All posts filed under: News
Thank you letter February 2019
Still Small Voice thanks You! Shalom from Jay & Meridel, Jay is presently in Greece, living with Josh, both are working. Jay is writing Volume 3 of our story and learning Greek. Josh in high tech can work anywhere. Daniel and I are here in Israel. I am also writing. Jay just sent this to thank you for your help and I share it with you. Love, from Meridel “The Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am READY to perform My word.” Each year at this time, the hills and valleys around Jerusalem are dotted with white and pink blossoms. They are the almond trees. It is a very beautiful sight, especially after enduring several months of cold and rainy and sometimes snowy winter days in Israel. These trees are a sign to everyone that spring is on its way. But there is also a message in these lovely blossoms. It reminded me of something that happened to us a couple. I was writing this story yesterday for Volume 3 – Timeless …
Season’s Greetings from Jerusalem
The Spoiler – Destroyer – Leviathan
Still Small Voice – Kislev 5779 /Nov 2018 Dear Friends, This year is quickly drawing to a close. I pray you to have no regrets. But if you do, this letter may be of help. Winter has touched down here in Jerusalem, and we are so happy about the pouring rain. Lightning puts on quite a spectacular show followed almost immediately by pealing claps of booming thunder. We Israelis give praise, praying for a ‘heavy’ winter. for also brings a measure of protection. The photo was taken at 7 am this morning when the sun broke through the clouds after a night of heavy rain. This letter gives you a ‘handbook’ on the warfare that we all face. We know that we are in a knock down drag out battle. Many of you will have experienced severe devastation, and it is always at the hands of one or more human beings. Here I introduce you to a spiritual force by the Biblical name of Leviathan. We must be wise to the strategies of our enemy number one! …
Arab Muslim Israeli defends her country
Dear friends: Last week, I sent out a plea to pray for the people of Gaza being herded to the Israeli Gaza border to try and breach it. Their leaders are to blame. I continue to call for prayer for the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. Its time to learn the truth about Israel inspite of the media blitz to the contrary. Israel is like the Garden of Eden and the poor souls on our borders are dying for want of some life, some chance for their futures. Some little piece of hope, but alas it remains IMPOSSIBLE with a complete change from the leadership down. The leadership is hell bent of Israel’s destruction. Take a moment and listen to this very brave little woman. Why brave? Because many Muslims are not happy with her free speech and joy of freedom that why. This is a believe it or not. Kindly pass along to your prayer group. Why is it so many churches ignore the importance of Israel as a nation and people? Can you answer that? Do pray …
Greetings for a blessed Rosh ha Shannah 5778
Dear Friends and Partners of Still Small Voice, We are inspired by this piece and know that you will be too. Israel is masterful at finding her lost treasures, especially her spiritual treasure. Please enjoy this and pass it on far and wide. You are well aware that Israel has said in so many words that ‘Evil’ is not going to flourish on our watch. We went up in Galilee one night looking out over the Sea and there were three aircraft which drew our attention. Then we heard the bombs. Yes… they took out a hidden secret Syrian factory of deadly gases. In 2013, Syria was believed by the world that she had gotten rid of her chemical warfare. We are dealing with liars and killers. Give thanks for Israel dear friends. You know the scripture says about the SALT OF THE EARTH! WE HAVE NOT LOST OUR SAVOUR. Pray for us all here. Now to end with a very sweet, and inspiring note: Jay and I send you greetings for a blessed Rosh ha Shannah 5778. It comes in the evening of September …
Tisha B’Av
Dear Friends: This evening ushers in the saddest day on Israel’s calendar in ancient and modern history. The Jewish people have suffered millenia of incredible losses. Both temples, Solomon’s and Herod’s were destroyed on this day, as was the Jewish Community of Spain in 1492 to name but three disasters. Jews begin to fast from 7 p.m. until 8:15 p.m. tomorrow night with no water. They mourn the destruction and loss. It is also a time for repentance for the sins of our fathers. We weep over what has been lost and pray with longing and hope for the promised coming Redemption. Some Jews believe that Messiah will come on this sacred day, when the people have prepared themselves. We read the book of Lamentations or Ek? in Hebrew. It sounds just like it is written… Ek… say it! Ek! This is literally an expression, even ‘a sound’ that one makes when there are no words… The Rabbis teach that we have suffered destruction because of senseless hatred and evil speaking among ourselves. We …
Terrorists Murder and Riot in The Holy Land
When Will it Stop? On Friday, 21 July 2017, a family sat down to the Shabbat table to celebrate the Sabbath and the birth of a baby boy. This should have been a time of great joy but turned in to a great tragedy… See full story tap / click here >>
Made in Israel
Israel today, in spite of continual attacks, war, terror and prejudice is a miracle of survival. Israel has not only survived for seven decades and overcome great obstacles, it is now one of the most fertile countries on earth. Israeli innovations, especially in medicine and agriculture have impacted the quality of life for a huge part of humanity. “Made in Israel” traces how Israeli inventors have become world leaders in start up companies. Now Israel is becoming known as the “Scale Up” country as more an more innovations are birthed, nurtured and blossomed via Israeli companies. PS, We are close friends with Chris Mitchell, CBN bureau chief here in Jerusalem and he has authorized us to run this movie. Over the years he has used excerpts of our productions for their 700 Club TV show that is broadcast world wide.
Silence on Sexual Abuse by Migrant because of Poltical Correctness
12 young girls were assaulted in the midst of a party? The question that begs to be asked is: “How is this possible in broad day light in a public area?” Where are the chaparones, where are the parents? Where? With the whole world in an uproar over the issue of immigrants, look at this! Compassion is one thing, and wisdom is another, but it is time for a reality check. Telling the truth of what can be expected from people who have come out of war zones, not properly vetted, can make all of the difference. Our youth are at risk when those in postions of authority are painfully nieve. The world watched yesterday Canadian Prime Minister met with the US President. Mr. Trump is belittled because of his temporary ban on immigrants from 7 war and terror infested nations, Syria being one of them. Well, Mr. Trudeau has taken another posture. But, as these leaders gave their press conference in Washington DC, little did we know of the firestorm Trudeau left behind in Canada. A Syrian refugee came to Canada …