Still Small Voice – Kislev / November 2021
The Mystery of Aliyah Shalom, dear friends, “He who sits in the heavens shall laugh.” Psalm 2:4 “Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.” Psalm 143:8 Aliyah is one of the Reasons Israel is Absolutely Unique Let’s take a look at the rising number of Jews making Aliyah, returning to Israel. My husband Jay says that there are two reasons: they are drawn by the Spirit of God or they are pushed by hardship and persecution. Nothing stops the Almighty from unfurling His ancient prophecies in and through man’s folly. He strides through the nations, fulfilling the words of the prophets. Of all Israelis living here today, one third arrived as new immigrants. Being drawn by God’s Spirit, we landed in 1969. God’s truth grew within us as we studied what the prophets taught about the Jews returning home from the four corners of the globe, echoed by Jesus. Our work got off the ground after our first trip into the Soviet Union in 1971. We joined a …