All posts filed under: News

Still Small Voice – Kislev / November 2021

The Mystery of Aliyah  Shalom, dear friends, “He who sits in the heavens shall laugh.” Psalm 2:4 “Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.” Psalm 143:8 Aliyah is one of the Reasons Israel is Absolutely Unique  Let’s take a look at the rising number of Jews making Aliyah, returning to Israel. My husband Jay says that there are two reasons: they are drawn by the Spirit of God or they are pushed by hardship and persecution. Nothing stops the Almighty from unfurling His ancient prophecies in and through man’s folly. He strides through the nations, fulfilling the words of the prophets. Of all Israelis living here today, one third arrived as new immigrants. Being drawn by God’s Spirit, we landed in 1969. God’s truth grew within us as we studied what the prophets taught about the Jews returning home from the four corners of the globe, echoed by Jesus. Our work got off the ground after our first trip into the Soviet Union in 1971. We joined a …

“Stain Remover” Book overview

“Stain Remover” – An Overview by Ruth Olsen Meridel Rawlings knows that adults who were sexually abused as children can be left scarred and crippled.  Parts of their lives often remain locked up or frozen. The stress of keeping the abuse a secret can have devastating effects on the physical body and mind. A few of the damaging results can be; panic attacks, self-mutilation, low self-esteem, anxiety, anti-social behaviours, high blood pressure, childlessness, insomnia, and eating disorders, to name a few. pg.375   What is Incest? Interestingly the Bible is the first document to ever state that cohabitation was to be reserved for the marriage bed. This standard was unheard of in ancient cultures. Boys and girls, and slaves were openly used for sexual gratification. You will find these Biblical laws in the Book of Leviticus chapter 18. The Bible describes ‘incest’ as illicit sexual activity between family members, no matter their ages. In our promiscuous societies today, people laugh at such laws. Incest carries with it a death sentence. An offender is no longer …

Osa Ruth Olsenin tiivistelmästä kirjasta Stain Remover

Osa Ruth Olsenin tiivistelmästä kirjasta Stain Remover Meridel Rawlings tietää, että lapsina seksuaalisen hyväksikäytön kohteiksi joutuneet voivat pysyä aikuisinakin haavoitettuina ja rampoina. Osa heidän elämästään jää usein lukkiutuneeksi tai jäätyneeksi. Hyväksikäytön salaamisesta aiheutuvalla stressillä voi olla tuhoisia vaikutuksia fyysiseen kehoon ja mieleen. Noita vahingollisista tuloksia voivat olla: paniikkikohtaukset, itsensä vahingoittaminen, heikko itsetunto, pelokkuus, epäsosiaalinen käyttäytyminen, korkea verenpaine, lapsettomuus, unettomuus ja syömisongelmat. Stain Remover book on Amazon:

Still Small Voice… Our religious leaders are hearing this voice!

Religious leaders from 4 faiths, unite in unprecedented prayer in Jerusalem. 29 Nissan 5789 / 23 April 2020 Dear Friends: This is a time to pray and not faint! It is also a time for correction and new direction. There is movement in God’s Holy Spirit here in His City Jerusalem. Jay was invited to this prayer meeting, but we are in lock-down, or he would have gone. We are encouraged with the changes taking place. We were also guests of Rabbi Rosen, (mentioned below) decades ago and showed our film “Gates of Brass” in his synagogue in Dublin Ireland. Let us consider this word: “When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, (Australia) or command the locusts to devour the land, (East Africa) or send pestilence among My people, ( corona19virus) if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”  2 Chronicles …

Meridel Thanks you!

Tishri 5780   Fall 2019 My Dear Friends: “Wait and listen everyone who is thirsty! Come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Yes, come, buy priceless [spiritual] wine and milk without money and without price [simply for the self-surrender that accepts the blessing.]” Isaiah 55:1 Amp. Bible First of all, how are you? It has been a long time! And…many of us have lost loved ones, or have suffered specific set backs in health. This year 6 dear friends have gone home; one a family member. It is never easy to say ‘good-bye’ but as Jay says; “Death is the final good-bye.” When loved ones know the LORD it makes such a difference even though we sense  that loneliness… is this the ‘sting of death’? Thank you for praying for me and writing and sending your prayers and love our way. For your gifts,  I am always very grateful! My long delay in replying is because I was out of Israel for 4 months, being about the King’s …

Urgent Prayer Needed!

We are asking all of our friends and Prayer Warrior partners to please put out an immediate prayer for Jay and Meridel Rawling’s youngest son Daniel. He is currently in hospital in Jerusalem. He has an inflammation in the brain, which is affecting his speech. Jay and Meridel are at his side. The neurologists are currently performing investigative procedures.We are all so grateful for the immediate, and professional quality of response from the medical staff at the hospital.Please, Pray! You may address any messages to this email address: All messages will be printed and given to Jay and Meridel to read to Daniel.May God bring Daniel complete healing!With Love and Thanks,The Rawlings