
Still Small Voice / Shavuot – Feast of Pentecost, 5th Sivan 5783. May 25th 2023.

Dear Friends;

I love writing the Still Small Voice to you, but alas, I hear almost nothing back.

We trust and pray that this letter will be relevant and minister to you at Pentecost.

We are celebrating the Feast of Shavuot – Pentecost, which began on the 49th day of the counting of the Omer. What is that, you ask? Well, originally it was the counting of sheaves of wheat as offerings in the temple for the period after Passover up to Shavuot. In Christianity, Pentecost is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter. For both religions the 49 days include a time of restraint from celebrating or eating certain foods; in Christianity, it is called lent


Today, we shared a Zoom call with Pastor Noel’s congregation in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. I explained that in Israel everything is “show and tell”.  Now is actually the wheat and barley harvest. Up in Galilee and on the Golan, the harvest as been gathered in. The wheat has been gathered, leaving huge bales of straw strewn across the fields. It is also a time of great fruitfulness as evidenced in the market stalls.  We have a second harvest again at the Feast of Tabernacles in September/October, and we see the same incredible fruitfulness. This Feast commemorates the giving of the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai.


The ‘other worldly’ Biblical chapter of Acts chapter 1 opens with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the body of Jewish believers gathered in Jerusalem at the command of Jesus who said: “But wait in the city of Jerusalem until you are clothed with power from on high.” 

Luke 24:49 

For all of the 120 gathered together, their lives were renovated by the power of God as promised.  They were commissioned as ambassadors for the kingdom on heaven of earth and were so charged with the Presence and Power of the Almighty that Peter witnessed and 3,000 souls came to Messiah the same day in Jerusalem. They set the known world at that time on fire for God, and they paid the ultimate price. The cost of discipleship to follow the King of heaven bears the name cost today.

The War on the Ground:

Have you ever prayed this scripture? I have.

“If only you would tear the heavens open and come down, so that mountains would quake at your presence.”

Isaiah 64:1

Canada under Fire: 

Don’t we all feel like this as things seem only to worsen?  Jay joins me in our calling out the double standard my birth nation is groaning under. For example, here is a short clip of how the Canadian PM disgraced himself and his people.

Alberta under Attack:

A most urgent need is prayer for the Canadian  Province of Alberta facing an election for Premier. The war is on as Alberta is the 4th wealthiest area globally for natural resources. The Federal government backed by China is doing its best to claw these rights away from the  local inhabitants. 

Israel under Siege:

Meanwhile in the early hours of this morning, the current Israeli government, the Knesset, passed the new budget and the Economic Arrangements Law, passed in the early hours this morning, 64 pro, 55 against. The dispute covers the 14 billion shekels of special allocations for the needs of the coalition party members. (It goes into the coffers of the Ultra Orthodox and no thought was given to the rising taxation and mortgages born by the hard working middle class. Many feel we have been hijacked by rising inflation.) 

I repeat this cry:

“If only you would tear the heavens open and come down, so that mountains would quake at your presence.”

Isaiah 64:1

But at the moment as I Meridel, write to you, the nation of Israel is quiet. You see the Sabbath rest of this Feast is here. We turn to the LORD with all of our hearts and say “thank you” from a heart full of gratefulness for the magnificent gift of life. No matter what man is trying to do.

“Let everything that has breath praise God, Hallelujah!”

Psalm 150:6

בכל יום אברכך ואהללה שמך לעולם ועד

Hallel, the Hebrew word for “praise,” is the linguistic root of the most common word used in the worship of God by people around the world: Hallelujah!

The primary goal of Hallel is recognizing God’s ability to override the laws of nature and perform miracles and acts of salvation on our behalf. By praising God, we recognize the goodness that is in the world and in our own lives. King David taught us how to open our hearts and truly praise God with all of our being. It’s fitting that the last of the 150th  psalm ends with the verse, “Let everything that has breath praise God, Hallelujah!” Psalms 150:6

“When the LORD brought back the captivity of Zion, we were like those who dream and our mouths were filled with laughter and our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations: the LORD has done great things for us whereof we are glad.” 

Psalm 126: 1-3.

Let us be filled with the Spirit of the living God in these days of trial. My we be overcomes and find grace in His sight. May He grant us favor in His throne room and with on earth. May He turn and over turn the wicked. Let us all worship in the Name of the LORD our God! Hallelujah.

Beloved friends:

As a dear Albertan hero said, ‘Hold the line!”

Blessings from Meridel Rawlings and her family.

We want you to enjoy the be beauty of praise in Jerusalem

Sung here In Hebrew, Arabic and English by the King Harpists.

They are Messianic Jews, Arabs and International Believers!

Shabbat Shalom.