Shalom, Dear Friends:
My heart is warmed, hearing from you. Let’s take a moment for a cup of tea or coffee.
We are exhorted to “have faith”. Not to “try” faith. These have been days of heartache for all people, and we need inner strength. What better response can there be but, prayer and the firm knowledge that “this IS my Father’s world!” I dig deeper into God to gain courage to stand steady. Reading Biblical passages out loud helps so much too. It is calming and gives wisdom and understanding. There are no surprises in heaven. I am praying for you to grow in this season, in spite of every obstacle.
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
Philosopher George Santayana
I got a big response to the historical video on America’s role in World War II. Pass it on friends.
We are experiencing a world of the surprising and unexpected. For example:
- Israel’s new right government has most people shaking their heads if they even pay attention. The ultra-orthodox will have their way, over the heads of the populace. This week reporters say from 100,000 to 300,000 Israelis came to Jerusalem to PROTEST the unfair, far-reaching laws that are being put forth in the Knesset. We pray for justice and sanity.
- I am sure the news from your nation is just as grim. And again, this is the perfect time to “have faith”, pray, and look up. Reach out and make a difference in your world.
The Power of Prayer: This morning I walked outside to enjoy a little sunshine and the Still Small Voice whispered “Walk around your home seven times and pray in the Spirit, commit everything to Me and pull down revival right where you are. It begins right here!”
I did as I was instructed. I began my prayer walk with deep intercession. The Royal families came first, my heart was surprised and then touched by their plight, which goes largely unseen. They stand before the throne of God for their nations and one day will have to give account. All nations stand in balance. They are in the valley of decision. Will my nation be a sheep or goat nation? It will depend upon the faithfulness of the salt and light in every nation. Very simply; you and I, friends. Then I began to pray for our enemies or our perceived enemies. There is no man or woman living today who is going to overpower the WILL of Almighty God. This is the truth and it is wonderful news.
Next, I prayed for my nation, for the powers that be right here; for my neighbourhood and every home and family in it. I prayed for the promise that Father gave me of a glorious revival to break forth right AFTER devastation, starvation and drought, a terrible visitation and deliverance in that order. Do you think I’m kidding? See Joel 1-3.
“It shall come to pass after this
that I shall pour out My Spirit on all mankind:
And your sons and your daughters will prophesy,
Your old men will dream dreams
Your young men will see visions.
Even on the male and female servants
I will pour out My spirit in those days.”
Joel Ch. 2:28,29
By the time I got to the 7th round, I was filled with praise and a wonderful sense of can-do and possibility with thanksgiving. Hallelujah! Our God holds all the keys, and He has NOT relinquished His power. He is working, emptying all people of their selfishness. He waits to hear us call out for what we lack in true humility. We must stop blaming God or others for the hard times. Only then will Life flow down from above in the most unexpected ways. Come and See ‘life from above’ in John 3:16!
- Sunday this week was the first day in two weeks that we had freeing cold rains. 1.5 inches fell into the Sea of Galilee in just 24 hours. Blessings come often disguised. Greece is also enjoying a rainy winter for which the farmers rejoice!
- This week Israel joined the world of ‘oil exporters’. With an energy crisis in cold Europe, I think it is amazing timing that Israeli natural gas is going north.“The oil shipment is part of a multi-cargo marketing agreement with Vitol, a Swiss-based multinational energy and commodity trading company; the first of a new source of East Med energy to reach Europe.” Energean CEO Mathios Rigas.
Your responses to Still Small Voice:
Feb. 10th 2023:
Thank you Meridel, What a report!! S.P.
– Your letter of February 10th was a wealth of information. I post all your letters on my FaceBook page. I hope people check out all the links. The darkness will all come to light but when? I am getting really tired of waiting for that moment. Thanks again. M. L.
My Response: Years ago I was praying for Jerusalem while driving up to the city. I was alone in the car so was free to really express myself in prayer. My heart was broken for the city and that was over 25 years ago. “How long O Lord?” I implored. Almost in a whisper, Jesus replied: “How long do you think I have waited?” I felt ashamed. Who do I think I am? We are placed here to work in concert with Jesus. Motion is important, but must be checked by the timing and wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
– I am 28 years old. At the beginning of this year, God spoke to me about relationships and covenant relationships. He showed me that it was not His plan that each generation would have to re-cultivate friendships for itself; but that He has given long-lasting beauty in friendships across generations. And this is the reason why I am writing this mail. My grandparents and great-grandparents were instrumental in re-establishing and cultivating relationships with the people of Israel, our elder brother, in the Body of Jesus in Switzerland. And you made this possible through your relationship with my grandparents. – J. V.
Meridel: Thank you for writing to us. I, Meridel worked very closely with your Grandfather. He opened the Christian Drug Houses for me to come and counsel the clients on a ‘one-to-one’ basis. Many amazing doors to your nation opened to us. Your Grandfather made films with Jerusalem Vistas in Israel; my favorite being “Street Sweepers”.
Jay: Hi. Jay here. We also remember your Mom and your Dad’s blessed memory. We visited and ministered at Best Hope Fellowship in Herisau many times as you know. We would love you to connect with our sons and grandsons, But what is the best way? Let us all pray about how to build the bridge. Thank you for writing to us. We dearly love your precious grandma and fondly recall the memory of dear grandpa HP – an amazing Christian leader.
Dear Pastors Jay and Meridel: We pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and for you and His Kingdom to Come. We wait for you in Cuba. We believe in it. D. C.
“For the Spirit God does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self discipline.”
2 Timothy 1:7
“He who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes will not be hurt at all by the second death.”
Revelation. 2:11
This is our glorious hope. Sending up prayers for the suffering, and courage and strength for the living. It’s always a joy to hear from you.
Every blessing from our home to yours;
Meridel Rawlings.