Dear Friends who pray!
Today is JERUSALEM Day!
Jerusalem in Hebrew is Yerushalayim –
which is plural meaning Jerusalems.
Jerusalem on earth is twinned to the Jerusalem above.
Jerusalem points to the one that is to come.
This is Jerusalem the earthly and speaks of Jerusalem the heavenly.
This is Jerusalem of time and space, pointing to the Eternal.
This city is flawed and imperfect and points to the perfect and glorious.
If you belong to God you belong to both Jerusalems.
We are celebrating 55 years since Jerusalem was united under Israeli sovereignty in 1967, for the first time since her destruction in 70 CE / AD. Marchers will carry flags of Israel throughout the city. Hamas is threatening rocket attacks. They are insulted that Israel’s flag flies over all of the ancient city. Yes, hatred is a kind of madness.
It’s very simple. Hamas wants Jerusalem. The world wants Jerusalem. Do you want Jerusalem? See Psalm 122.
“Jerusalem has been fought over 16 times. It has been destroyed twice. Besieged 23 times. Attacked 52 times. Captured and recaptured 44 times.”
Jerusalem today, sits in the very centre of the Almighty’s eternal prophetic plans and purposes for all of mankind.
Do you pray for the peace of Jerusalem? The peace of your nation is linked to Jerusalem’s peace!
“May those who love you be secure.” Psalm 122
It is the only city on earth called The Holy City. Almighty God chose to place His Name here.
“In Jerusalem, I will put My name.” 2 Kings 21:7
Yeshua-Messiah is returning to Jerusalem.
“… why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus-Yeshua, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.”
Acts 1:11
Friends, thank you for letting us know that you are out there. I feel comforted when writing, knowing that somewhere, someone is reading and praying. Thank you on behalf of all Israelis and peace-loving Palestinians.
Muhammad Al-Lahham, a member of the Palestinian Authority’s – Fatah’s Revolutionary Council led by President Mahmoud Abbas said: “The conflict is about Israel’s existence, not borders. Jews are a loathsome nation.” May 15, 2022, Egypt’s Alghad TV.
One of the biggest lies Satan tells every human on the planet is this: “You are alone!”
But Jesus counters this lie in Hebrews 13:5b: “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you. He was referencing Joshua 1;5b “I will not fail you or abandon you.”
We have chosen along with our people to believe it and live here!
“This is what the LORD of Hosts says: “I am jealous for Zion with great zeal; I am jealous of her with great fervour I will return to Zion and dwell in Jerusalem. Then Jerusalem will be called the City of Truth and the mountain of the LORD of Hosts will be called the Holy Mountain. Old men and old women will again sit along the streets of Jerusalem, each with a staff in hand because of great age. And the streets of the city will be filled with boys and girls playing there. I will save my people from the land of the east and from the land of the west. I will bring them back to dwell in Jerusalem, where they will be My people and I will be their faithful and righteous God.”
Zechariah 8: 2-5,7,8. Berean Study Bible.
As a family, we were together over Shabbat. Our sons lovingly reminisced about their days living in the Old City of Jerusalem. Just boys, they ran from the rooftop of our apartment all the way down to the Western Wall. Those were the days my friends. This is no longer possible because of the terror threat.
“Thanks for your extensive reporting on the situation in Israel. It helps us to pray more intelligently about the conditions there. Our prayers go out to you all; knowing our redemption draws nigh.”
Reynold Rutledge
“So rise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Behold darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the people, But the Lord will arise over you and His glory will be seen upon you.”
I close with a musical video: Jerusalem of Gold sung by Ofra Haza in English
Love from Meridel.
Box 84156, Mevasseret Zion, 9079097 Israel.