
Still Small Voice – Day 112 of War

Dear Friends: 

“My heart goes out to the commanders of Israel, 

the volunteers among the people. Bless the LORD. 

But Zebulon was a people who risked their lives to the point of death.”

 Judges 5:4,18.

“How the mighty have fallen!” 2 Samuel 1:25

It is a time of utter sadness in Israel. In one day this week, we lost 24 soldiers in Gaza. I quote David as he begins his lament over the death of Jonathan and his enemy Saul. The photo above shows the faces of 21 of our sons who fell together this week. The entire nation mourns as the war grinds on.  The desperate plight of the hostages has everyone’s attention as well.  IDF surveillance has been unable to find them. Many of their family members stand at the Gaza border fence, crying out over loudspeakers; calling them by name over loudspeakers, assuring them they are NOT forgotten!

At times like these, we lean into the LORD. He has given us many names by which to perceive His character and purposes in the earth. I especially love,EL-ELOHE. It rolls off one’s tongue and means, God, the mighty God of Israel. It is especially important to speak it forth when addressing Him in these days of war. Another name I love is YESHUA or Salvation. We who believe in the Messiah understand Him as our personal Salvation.

 “The LORD is my strength and my song. And he has become my Salvation; This is my God and I will exalt Him.”Exodus 15:2

Your messages:  I love hearing from YOU: The following came in.

“Far be it from You to strike the righteous with the wicked … shall not the judge of all the earth do right?”  Exodus 18:25  M. England

We still pray every Thursday from 2:00 to 3:00 pm for Israel at the prayer centre in our church. I have had such a burden for the hostages because they think they have been forgotten. I know their captives tell them this.  We have been praying God would send them dreams, visions and encouragement by His Holy Spirit.  We pray; ‘wisdom, discernment protection and courage for the IDF as well as the ruling government.” N. Canada

And this: “Maybe I’m mistaken but haven’t the Palestinians made the claim that the Jewish people never lived in the land of Israel? Correct me if I’m wrong.”  W. USA

I appreciate your questions and wish more of my readers would be as brave. Yes, unfortunately, the vast majority of Palestinians claim this. If you want good historical information go to Prager University. They have produced 5,000 historical clips each 5 minutes long. Meridel

“Then the righteous will answer him, “LORD, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you?  When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for Me.’” 

Matthew 25: 38, 39, 40.

Quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King: 

“I see Israel as one of the great outposts of democracy in the world… as a marvellous example of what can be done… how desert land can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security and that security must be a reality. I solemnly pledge to do my utmost to uphold the fair name of the Jews.”

I Meridel, want to thank every one of you who has prayed for Israel and also have encouraged and stood with the Rawlings Family for over 55 amazing years now. We bless you as you are brought to our remembrance. Very soon now, Miracles Among the Nations will be ready for you to order on Amazon. It is a saga that covers the years of our lives from 1969 to 1976. We travel to every continent with our small children and walk through the open doors given to us.  It closes as we leave Europe for our home in Israel. Jay has a 3rd  volume to follow this, Israel Our Odyssey. Stay Tuned. Our sons are talking about making it into a film script or TV series. Who knows where it will all end?” 

Will you thank the LORD with us for the encouraging and most treasured gift of faith and hope!  We are empowered to reach out in new ways to help and lift up many lives.

Every single day let’s make space to contemplate or better yet desire to just ‘be’ present with the LORD in loving communion, listening for HIS thoughts!  I read the Word first, this way I am lighting a candle which ignites His Presence within. This does not just happen, especially when we live active lives. Settle down and your intellect will draw your will into the LORD. Choose to draw closer to the Source of love. He is our strength and inspiration.  With blessings from our home to you and yours.

Love from Meridel Rawlings.