Dear Friends:
“Then the angel said to me,‘Write: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the lamb… I am a fellow servant with your brothers and sisters who have and hold the testimony of Jesus. Worship God [alone]. For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy [His life and teachings are the heart of prophecy].”
Rev.19:9a,10,b. Amplified
The Everlasting Kingdom:
Is there anything on earth that compares to the love of brothers and sisters in Jesus? The flow of acceptance and joy in the ‘other’ brings strength. And so it was this week here in Israel. This week, we were invited to a beautiful resort, Yad ha Shmoneh created (out of a garbage dump) on the Hills of Benjamin just 5 minutes from our home. (One of our sons enjoyed his Hebrew wedding here a year ago.) Rabbi Jonothan Bernis of Jewish Voice Broadcasts threw a party for many of the Messianic leaders of Israel. What a joy to meet dear old friends and make new ones. The food was fit for the wedding of a king. Thank you, Jonothan.
Upon entering these hallowed grounds, the first person we met was Nathan Bivin. He was our son Chris’ lifelong boyhood friend and grew up in our house. His parents are David and Josa Bivin. David is a Hebrew scholar of the School of the Synoptic Gospels and founded Jerusalem Perspectives blog: a treasure trove for anyone wanting to learn the Hebrew roots of the Bible. He and others like Dr. Robert Lindsay spent their lives putting the Gospels into modern Hebrew. Many of the sayings of Jesus are pure Hebrew idioms, it is a privilege to know them both.
We were greeted by Rabbi Jonothan. “Oh Jay, let me tell you again, that when you came to my synagogue in Rochester New York, 43 years ago, my life was challenged and forever changed. You showed your film Gates of Brass on the plight of Soviet Jewry. As a result I was challenged to move to Russia and pastor.”
Yes, Jonothan led thousands of Russians to Jesus, as the Soviet Jews were coming home in the early 1990’s. Father God poured out His Holy Spirit all over Russia just as the Bible promises. Please see this incredible scriptural principal, promising REVIVAL in the nations where Father God brings his Jewish children out of, and back home to Israel. Pause and take a moment to study Ezekiel 36:22-28.
Driving home, Jay said, “This is what heaven is going to be like.”
We were so blessed and edified sharing our pioneering stories one with another. The Kingdom of God is growing here and will never stop bearing fruit, all to the glory of our Messiah Yeshua. It was a touch of heaven, and oh how we needed it!
A few days ago we also again enjoyed a second Zoom meeting with Pastor Noel Mal’s church in Charlottetown Prince Edward Island. There is NO distance in prayer and praying together with the Body is perhaps our greatest privilege in this life.
Our Reality on the Ground:
Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant said this week. “If, God forbid, a war occurs, the Israeli home front is expected to face challenges the likes of which we have never known in our 75 years of existence. This requires us to be prepared in advance, with optimal preparation.”
Thank you for keeping Israel in your prayers.
Let us not be weary in well doing dear friends. Let’s decide to take time out to smell the roses and be refreshed, the days are dark and the road ahead long…
“For in six days God made heaven and earth and sea—and all that is in them—and then rested on the seventh day; therefore God blessed the Shabbat day and hallowed it.”
Exodus 20:11
Menucha in Hebrew means rest, first used in the relationship between the Great Creator and His Creation! He established the seventh day, Shabbat, as a day of rest for all time and all creatures. Provision was created for all souls to have a day each week to rest and reflect upon the purpose of our existence in this world.
The Bible also uses menucha – rest in reference to the Land of Israel. The people of Israel were promised rest. Sadly, since becoming a nation in their own land in 1948, we don’t know any people who work harder than Israelis. A tough reality.“For you have not yet come to the resting place and to the inheritance which the LORD your God is giving you.” Deuteronomy 12:9
Why do we keep missing out? We all know that this land, historically is tragically soaked in the blood of all nations and it isn’t over yet. Do remember us in prayer.
Rashi, the great Bible commentator, taught that Menucha – rest is a fitting word for the site of the Tabernacle in Shiloh. Its purpose was to create a physical space for God’s presence to rest in the midst of the people of Israel and all of humanity. Yet, Eli the last keeper of this holy space and his wicked sons were all killed in one day. The two Temples as hallowed as they were supposed to be were also destroyed. Do we really think building a third is going to be the answer?
King David uses menucha – rest to describe the rest and tranquility that only God can provide to one’s soul. Oh, David has the secret! “He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters, He restores my soul…” Psalm 23:2,3.
Your Responses:
Thank you for your prayers for the many people groups within Israel.
“Pray for the peace (completeness) of Jerusalem, may they prosper (heart peace-rest) that love you.” I God, will bless those who bless the Jewish people. I God will curse those who curse them, and in their seed the whole world will be blessed.”
Psalm 122:6, Genesis 12:3
The Messiah came to us from Israel! Never forget it, dear friends.
“Yes may the mighty spirit-filled Warriors stand on guard over the nations of the Earth standing with Israel. The need for Warriors for Canada is great, as we see the tyrannical activities of our Prime Minister. May the Lord continue to strengthen you all and all the major challenges that you are involved in as we approach the return of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lord.”
Rev. Ralph Rutledge
True Beauty:
“No man spoke like this man. You are fairer than the children of men: grace is poured into your lips: therefore God has blessed you forever. This is my beloved and this is my friend.”
John 7:46, Psalm 45:2,Song of Songs 5:16
We are sending blessings to you from Jerusalem.
Meridel and Jay and the Rawlings family.
Thank you for your notes of encouragement.
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