
Still Small Voice – March 2020

Beloved Friends, new and old:

This morning, Jay read these wonderful promises to us. Like you, we are in lockdown here in Israel, and cannot leave our home. Thankfully we have a garden. The rains have stopped, and the Sea of Galilee is full!  All of creation is rejoicing with the moisture. Earlier today, Jay picked the oranges, lemons, and limes that you see here on the table in front of us. We are taking this ‘time out’ to be refreshed and renewed within. How about you we would love to hear.

“I will never leave you, nor forsake you. Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. I am He that lives and was dead; behold I am alive forevermore. I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you. My peace I give unto you.”  Heb. 13:5, Matt. 28:20b, Rev.1:18, John 14, 18, 27. 

My first Swiss friend was Meni Roth. We met in Jerusalem at the Feast of Tabernacles in the fall of 1984. She invited me to come and visit. It was Meni who opened those first doors for me in her country and by God’s grace and His dear people it has never been closed. During our Swiss tour this January and February I was able to sit with Meni on four different occasions. We shared heart to heart as we always had. Sadly, and most unexpectedly to me, she died on February 27. This is a photo of her home, and our hearts are with her husband Hans and family at this time. I felt the loss of my dear friend. She served as the choir director of the local State Church for fifty years… We all miss her. This photo of her home speaks to me of the sadness I feel; for it will never be the same without her joyful smile.  At this time of the loss of our loved one, I also try to remember and pray that there are thousands of souls going out into eternity every day, from among the nations. Let us watch and be in prayer.

“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.” Psalm116:15

“Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted.”  Matthew 5:4

The town of Grindelwald, Switzerland

On March 1, we flew home to Israel from Switzerland, to vote in the national election on the 2nd. Our borders were closed on the 3rd. Israelis have not had a working government since December 2018, it is a bizarre situation with no solution in sight. We may have to go to a 4th election? At the same time, one of our granddaughters was in India and left just before the borders closed. Her mother was moved to get the family to a safe place out of the UK, just before Britain’s borders closed. We give thanks for divine protection in all of these moves. We stay in contact via the internet.

Our eldest son David is still working in the news media. To see his work, go to YouTube:  To date he has made three programs on the coronavirus here inside of Israel. At present, there are 1,600 Israelis infected and 5 have died. The numbers will change by the time you read this. Our family in Finland, all in lockdown, are working from home. Chris is my right-hand man who does all of my web work, and thanks to him you are receiving this letter. 

Dr. Thomas, MD. in the link below said: “Viruses are simply excretions from toxic cells.” He discusses how the earth is now bombarded by electromagnetic forces never experienced before in history. This causes toxicity in the body, and the one city with the more electromagnetic cover than any other on earth is none other than Wuhan China

On a lighter note! Every night on our evening news we are shown what has gone viral that day in Israel. My favourite so far was a video of a fluffy white Pekinese strolling down the sidewalk. Its lease extended upwards… the camera moves up, and you see a drone is waking this pooch! Israelis have a great sense of humor and one local comedian said: “Israeli humor is unique, we use hutzpah, [brashness] and laugh at ourselves. Comedy is tragedy and time. Jews don’t have that problem. To us ‘time’ is irrelevant because we have suffered for 5,000 years and we can make jokes about the Exodus, the Holocaust, and this new Coronavirus. We always have to know what is going on… we are first responders. The tragedy today wouldn’t be a tragedy tomorrow. A comedian doesn’t live in the moment, he lives outside, and sees past the present tragedy and knows the secret power of laughter!”

I will close on a spiritual note. I want to share this wonderful piece with you. Send it on to all of your friends, it will not fail to encourage and inspire and comes to you from the heart of Jerusalem.

Just ‘call’ the name Jesus! He will answer. He is as close as your next breath. Allow The Comforter to be your portion and your protection today. 

Jay joins me in sending our love and prayers for your perfect peace!

Jay and Meridel Rawlings.

Meridel Rawlings, Box 84156, Mevasseret Zion, 9079097 ISRAEL  Email: