
Our World Christmas 2018

Photo by Gareth Harper on Unsplash

Dear Friends, this is an email from a friend of mine Susan…

Good Morning Prayer Warriors:  As we walk fully on into our Joyous Christmas Season and the revealing of Christ, it is difficult to understand the stark realities that Meridel and Jay Rawlings witness every moment of these days.  We have read that there will be wars and rumours of wars before His return, however, to be living in the midst of this prophesied chaos, must be mind-bending to say the very least.  Meridel and Jay are standing obediently where the Lord has asked them to be at this time in History.  Meridel expresses her concerns so eloquently and succinctly.  We need to listen and be praying for our World as never before, our leaders and for our dear friends,  Jay and Meridel as this unfolds, literally on their doorstep.  Lord, Your Kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven.    Ps. 122.  Ps. 23.    Pray without ceasing Ps. 91.

Jay and Meridel, we love you and bless you and join you in Praying for Christ to be revealed as Messiah to His people, not only in Israel but around the Globe…  His Plan, His Timing and His Heart for all mankind.  The tide is rising.   Be Blessed, Amen, Love Susan

Photo by Caleb Stokes on UnsplashJust a quick note from me Meridel before Christmas. Events are moving quickly here in our area of the world. Israel now is battling conflicts on four fronts. To the East just 7 km from us: Radical Palestinians in the Palestinian Authority are trying to reimpose an uprising. To the North East, the Syrian and Iranian armies stockpile weapons from Iran, under the protection of Russia in Syria. To the North West Hizbullah tunnels dug into Israel under the Israeli border are being destroyed by Israeli troops. They give a passage from Lebanon into kibbutzim (Israeli farms) and civilian areas. Then on the South West, riots continue on the Gaza border!

Israeli soldiers are deployed in each area. This last week we have had three drive-by shootings, which have killed several civilians, a baby and soldiers. Lebanon has stockpiled more missiles than 95% of the nations on earth… hard to get your head around that one, and all aimed at Israel. Syria is in the firm control of Russia and Iran. The US has a presence to the East in Syria with the Kurds, which Turkey wants to attack. Now the Americans are pulling their troops out of Syria which paves the way for Ezekiel’s prophecy Gog & Magog in Ezekiel 38-39.

The UN recently proved inept in refusing to acknowledge Gaza’s Hamas a terrorist Organisation. I believe the direct result of this has been the blatant murders on Israelis, standing at bus stops last week.

I suggest that for good factual news on Israel stay tuned to the 700 Club, Their news coverage on Israel is current and factual.

The Catholic Orthodox Church in Ukraine took back their authority from the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow, severing all Russian control. It is known that Putin has given power to the Russian Orthodox Church to control her peoples.

We just viewed a program on CANADA and her experiment in post-nationalism… in other words, the Canada we knew no longer exists with Radical Islam welcomed. We listened to moderate Muslims speak out on how unsafe they feel now that Radical Islam has been loosed. This is a terrible situation and I wonder if voices are countering this insanity. This is making Canada an unsafe neighbor for the USA. Imagine having to build a wall between Canada and the US? Insanity.

We are grateful PM Theresa May made it through the Parliamentary vote but she needs miracles, favor, and changes to make it through with Brexit.

Pray for Princes William and Harry for they are going to be used mightily by the LORD in the coming days.

Pray for the revelation of Messiah to come to Israelis in every walk of life. I asked Jay, “WHAT is it going to take for Israel to see their Messiah? He said one word, “The anti-Christ.” Father have mercy upon us all.

Our government has hiked the price of electricity, heating oil, meat, milk, and bread by 8%… the majority of the middle class are living a very circumspect existence as salaries are dreadfully low here and prices are among the highest in the world.

Pray for us all, please. Except the LORD build the house, (nation) they labor in vain who build it.

Every blessing now as you celebrate the birth of the Messiah.

Meridel Rawlings

Dr. Meridel Rawlings 2018

Dr. Meridel Rawlings 2018