
From Meridel’s Desk… January 2018

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers and financial contributions. It has been put into the ‘pot’ to help keep our doors open and the work going forward. Here are some pointers to encourage you in prayer for us. The time is grave and growing ever more so… and we have to daily submit our hearts to Jesus. I told Jay, I feel like a leaf trembling on the end of a branch. But God…! We have learned to encourage ourselves in Him day after day.

Kindly join Jay and I in this prayer for our four sons all working in Media: David 48 yrs, Christian 46, Joshua 42 and Daniel 31. They have been a tremendous blessing to us over these many years, but we sense the Holy Spirit wants to loose them for even greater service. We pray: Sanctify them – purify, consecrate, separate them for Yourself, make them holy – by the Truth. Your Word is Truth. Just as you sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.” John 17:17, 18.

Ministry Goals for 2018:

Well the LORD IS ON THE MOVE! When we grow weary He brings strength from most
unexpected quarters, for which we are daily grateful.

1. Our film on Human Trafficking and Sexual Abuse Change Action Nepal has been translated into German; for Germany and Switzerland, the cost donated by a Swiss friend.

2. This film has also just been synchronised into Spanish by a dear friend who gave us the best price for his work. We have given a Pastor in Guatemala our release for multiple televised showings out to his 11 million viewers. We spent years in South America in the 70’s and since then have prayed these many years for our work to go out in Spanish.

3. We have just released a video on our web sites and blog about the situation in Gaza. It is very topical with the current unrest and rocket attacks. Iran stands in the shadow of terror.

4. Our son Josh is moving up to Jerusalem from Jaffa. He and Daniel, our camera man-editor are excited to finally be setting up Israel Vision’s brand new television studio. This is a new day! Josh is a professional in many aspects of media, currently working for ‘start ups’ in Tel Aviv. I quote him: “Dad, I have made a lot of people wealthy, now I am going to devote part of each day to promote Israel Vision and Still Small Voice projects for they really count.”

5. CAN – Change Action Nepal is finally incorporated provincially and federally in Canada. Our lawyer has a special love for Nepal and is donating her expertise. She has guided us through all of the legal process and is now willing to serve on the Board.

6. This year, our team will concentrate on producing topical video updates for our viewers, right here within our own studio in Israel. We will continue to educate concerning the importance of Israel. Israel is not a political issue… it is actually a Biblical issue for ALL peoples, whether they believe the Bible or not. We are watching horrified as anti-Semitism explodes to pre WW11 levels. So to we see the onslaught against Christians globally. God is calling out: “WHO is on the LORD”S side?” Lets allow HIM to move us and lead us in 2018!

7. I, Meridel am completing my latest book entitled “Erasing Indelible Stains”… I lay bare the depths of what INIQUITY is and how this mysterious force affects our generations. I paint an in depth portrait of the horrors of sexual abuse within the frame work of so called ‘normal life’. I systematically dissect this crippling disease and do my best to tenderly and carefully walk my reader through the delicate deliverance and healing processes.

8. Jay and team are completing a film he directed and Daniel shot in December. Tracey is a British woman who rides her horses by faith. This time she rode her faithful steeds from Northern Israel up into Jerusalem and as far south as the Ramon Crater. On camera, she shares the history of Israel that she learns from locals along her route.

9. The Heart of God at Work in Israel Today: is an in depth look at the outreaches going on to the needy from within the Messianic Community here in Israel, be they Jews, Arabs, Ethiopians Refugees. We completed the film in Dec and Jay is now helping the producers introduce it into Canada. Our mandate has always been to seek the Kingdom of God as we love to film the work for other ministries in the land as well as our own. Meridel and Daniel are in prayer about going to Dallas Texas to TD Jakes Pastors and Leaders Conference this April 17th to 21st. We don’t want to miss anything God has for us. We do understand that we need to move with the times. We hesitate only because of the expense; but it is vital for us all to be strengthened. I, Meridel would be so happy if Josh could free himself to go in my place. Mention this in your prayers please. Your caring, praying and giving to us over the coming year will enable us to continue to work to bring forth this mystery of the Kingdom of God on earth. My family joins in with heart felt thanks for your support.

Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven this 2018.