
Still Small Voice thanks you… Sept. 2017

Dear Friends:

“Behold how good and blessed it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!  For there the LORD commanded a blessing – Life forevermore.”  Ps. 133: 1,3b.

Before summer completely slips away, here is an update on Jay. We enjoyed our first date since his surgery three months ago. Shlomi Arad, one of Daniel’s friends at age 3 made our garden his second home. He found his soulmate and we all shared in the joy of his wedding day.  After the ceremony when we joined them under the huppa. Suddenly, Shlomi laid his hands on Jay and commanded a blessing!  

“Blessed is he who blesses you…” Numbers 24:9b

“This is how I feel right now” Jay said, looking into the face of a delicately perfumed peach rose. Photo left. “Its going on three months now since the doctors repaired my mitral valve and regulated my heart beat. I am feeling so much better and grow stronger every day. I thank you for your prayers.  Thank God. Thank you Yeshua.”  

Last week we visited his electrocardiologist and he blessed Jay with a clean bill of health.

“Are you working?”

“Yes!” I’ve completed the script for a film, and am now working on a book.”

“Good!” the Dr. exclaimed. “Keep it up.”

Jay and Daniel are working on a second film about our refugee families, 12 in all safely prospering, working and studying in Guelph. Jay and Jan Karnis have completed a documentary on the lives of our dear friends Bill and Audrey Martin in Alberta, Canada. The Keys of Success, highlights the principles that ensured blessing in their lives and those of their children and grandchildren. They are an example in every way including their faithfulness in prayer for Israel. Thankfully they stand with us here in Israel and are a continual blessing.

We are so at home here in Israel, a unique land and people in many ways. One is the hot dry weather that decends every summer lasting right through September. Without sunscreen you will burn unmercifully.  Up here in the hills of Benjamin and Judah we are blessed with cool breezes at night and DEW nearly every evening. Dew only falls when the air grows completely still. Blessedly it bathes everything in its path. This was the secret of such bountiful crops in Bible times when they didn’t have irrigation to water the parched earth. I, Meridel tell Jay:  “We live by the dew…” I named our garden Gan Tal. Tal is Hebrew for dew. What a refreshing it is and always blesses.

September brings with it the ‘Second Spring’  along with that also the ‘Second Harvest’.

We have already personally harvested figs, grapes and pomegranates. Soon the cotton and wheat fields will be harvested. The olives are already huge and their weight is so heavy on the boughs, some have snapped off. We must place supports beneath them. Fall also brings back all the flowers to bud

and bloom again in a blessed newness of life. Oranges and avocodos are back on the market stalls now. Photo: Rt: The tip of the pomegranate. Its likeness was sowen on the bottom of the High Priest’s garment alternately with a bell.

“For My Name shall be great among the nations,” says the LORD of Hosts.” Malachi 1:11e.

However, we are surrounded by  enemies who hate Israel to be blessed…so be in prayer for Israel over this Jewish New Year and Feast of Tabernacles. The Iranians are building a munitions factory on our northern border with Syria. They have long range missles in Syria as I write, that can reach any part of Israel. North Korea has been supplying Syria with sarine gas; which has killed hundreds this year. These nations have broken UN agreements. And Russia acts as though she were not aware of it? Treason!

September this year arrives in the Hebrew month of Elul. It ushers in a time of brevity for all believing Jews of whatever persuasion. It is a month of prayer, heart searching, repentance and fasting; culminating in Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Repentance is a very commom theme in Judaism. Oh how we all need it! I have just completed a 14 day fast, the hardest in my experience. It never gets easier, that is the truth. When the shofars are blown all over the land; feasting and great joy breaks forth in that order. Living here continously for 41 years, we contuinue to be surprised and delighted with life here. The People and the Land of the Bible, the land of Moses and Jesus and vibrant young Israelis today, our own young people among them is our high calling! We forget the curses of the nations and repeat the words of the prophets and Jesus by which all men will be judged. May God grant us His cleansing and Peace in a time of war! He is our only Source and the secret of our sustenance.  “Our help is in the name of the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Psalm 124:8

Since we opened the Int’l Christian Embassy September 1980 multitudes of Christians have learned to love the Feast of Tabernacles. Their hearts have been captivated by the richness of their Roots. After all Jesus is the root and offspring of King David. One day He will sit on  David’s throne. We await tens of thousands of pilgrims to the cith of the great king, Jerusalem. They “come up” to Jerusalem just as prophesied and the entire nation of Israel feels their hearts of love and blessing!

Many Christians concern themselves with the date of September 23rd, which happens to be the Jewish New Year. Photo of the  Constellation Virgo (Virgin) left. But this time their concern is linked to the alignment of the sun and moon and planets. Christian groups equate this event to: “Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and on her head a garland of twelve stars. Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth.” Rev. 12:1,2.

I refer you to the following website. Get the facts from a Christian astromomer, a scientist. Be informed. Ask your children or granchildren to help you find this site.

Israeli Rabbis speak: I will paraphrase what I heard on a ILTV interview news program from Tel Aviv. “We know that prophecy is has been fulfilled and is being fulfilled. But, because of our very long and sad history the Jewish people try not to speculate over such events.Terrible mistakes were made. We do know that there will be painful times, ahead, which we call the ‘birth pangs’ of Messiah. Only then can we know who Messiah is. Yes, it is obvious that time is short.”

Would you like to join me, Meridel , in the following prayer as I speak out the perfectly expressed heart’s cry of a person named Jabez?

It is a spectular, perfect prayer to Almighty God. “And Jabez called upon the name of the God of Israel saying,Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, 

that I may not cause pain!’”  Chronicles 4:10

My Book Hidden Wounds:(working title): “It is powerful and will bless multitudes” ! says Jay.  A old friend was here for Shabbat dinner. We last saw him in April when he came for a counseling session. That was four months ago, not a word, until he showed up for dinner. I had given him a copy of one chapter from this book. Suffering as he was from tormenting thoughts from childhood, he desperately needed to understand the vital concept of how to get free and stay free. The first thing he said upon entering the house: “Oh, Meridel, I read your chapter and did my homework and have never looked back!”  Wow! That was it! This was a big encouragement to me. Didn’t Jesus say how few ever came back to say ‘thank you’ and to bless in return? Yes I was encouraged and am working to have the book edited by mid-September. Then it goes to other editors and then the printer. I ask for your prayers and help with the printing costs.

Trip to Nepal: Yes, we have the Nepal film on trafficking in English, German, Finnish, Russian, Estonian, and Spanish.  If you would like to request a copy then do so! Share it with others, help us. But more needs to be done We want to get back into Nepal and stir up the faith of the co-workers there. It is very much on my heart. It is time to return with a film crew. We need airfare at US $2,000. a ticket plus accommodation and food for four people. I would also like to take an offering for Indira. My heart’s cry is to get out into the fields and villages with Indira.  Please help us in this endeavour. It would be best if we could leave by the end of October this fall. Please don’t just read this, help us to return and continue to make a difference.  Thank you so much. I am counting on your help. No gift is too small, neither is any too large. I need to hear from you. Thank you. Look what we have done, our film has gone farand wide. Here am I. Hinayi. great, but the    

               The harvest truly is great bit the laborers are few: therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His  harvest… I send you out as lambs among wolves.” Luke 10:2,3a

Photos: Chris, Me, David Lt.

Ministering on a Nepali farm. Rt.

Alma Hagen my mentor. Lt.

Prayer for the farmer’s wife. Below

Indira Ghale heading up the work. Rt.

Meridel Rawlings and family.

Dr. Meridel Rawlings, Box 84156, Mevasseret Zion, 9079097.
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