
Urgent Prayer Request!

Dear Friends and Partners

I, Meridel Rawlings am writing on behalf of Jay.

Five days ago he was admitted to the cardiac unit in Jerusalem’s Share Tzedek Hospital. (Gates of Righteousness) He is under supervision and intensive testing to discern the cause of his rapid heart beat, shortness of breath and fluid in his lungs. He is taking medication to slow his heart.

Tomorrow he will under go a “shock” to the heart. The Doctors will stop it and start it again, hoping to regulate the heart beat. We need your prayers at this critical time~my sons and I thank You and we know You are there for us.

Jay and I hate having to ask for financial help. We find it very humbling, and in a perfect world we could just keep working and say nothing about expenses. But that is not the case. Stress is part of the load here, and financials are very close to the top of the list. If there is any way you could send a donation to help us keep Jerusalem Vistas/Israel Vision going at this very critical time, we would be most grateful. (Directions for giving are at the end of this message.)

2016 was an action packed year and there is reason to be a little weary. Upon return to Israel we have experienced one hit after the other on so many levels. It feels like an onslaught, but now, with Jay taken out of commission, we know we are under direct attack. We are being inundated with regulations and hidden fees. The office is currently squeezed into the living room of our home. At this time we have had to cancel everything, but try to carry on as best we can under the circumstances. We are being tried and tested.

Pray with us for Jay’s complete recovery Please. Pray also that he will allow himself to rest and heal when he returns home from the hospital. We Need Him in order to carry on with the Kingdom work.

Thank You All for remembering Israel in your prayers. We sense that things are changing for the better. Remember this is “a land the LORD our God cares for~always”…Deuteronomy 11:11-12

This comes with love from our home to yours…

Every blessing at this Hanukah and Christmas time,

Meridel Rawlings, sons and team

To Help Us:

  1. Via PayPal using the Donate button on the right hand side of this webpage or via the Donate button in the email newsletter
    *PayPal accepts all major credit cards
  2. Cheques (or post-dated cheques) are welcomed
    * Please make all Cheques Payable To: Jerusalem Vistas
    * Our Mailing address is at the bottom of this message
  3. Authorized debit to your Credit Card (single gift or monthly). Please provide:
    – Your name as it appears on the card
    – The card number (16 digits)
    – The card expiry date (mm/yy)
    * The amount to be deducted & number of times (eg.One time only or a specified period)
    *You may send the information to ( ) with a statement authorizing us to make the transaction; or if you prefer, request a form to be sent via post with a return envelope

We send you the original Credit Card Transaction slip with a tax receipt. All information is confidential and only used as per your directions.

Our Postal Address is:
Jerusalem Vistas
PO Box 40101
Mevasseret Zion, 9080500, Israel