Write to: Meridel Rawlings, PO Box 84156 Mevasseret Zion, 9079097 ISRAEL
email: meridel.rawlings@gmail.com
www.stillsmallvoice.tv www.israelvision.com
“You hear, O LORD, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed in order that man, who is of the earth may terrify no more.” Ps. 10:17,18.
Welcome to my world of the Still Small Voice. We give thanks for a very busy summer of action. We wrote a book, released a film and are building a TV studio.
A BOOK! Healing My Secret Stain: (from the Foreword) “The book you are holding in your hands is unique for many reasons. First, it is a true story of pain turned into power. Second because this story can help people living all around you. It should be read and applied by everyone, everywhere! Third, I have shared life with the author for the last 50 years and watched her, as my wife, reach out to countless people who were locked into impossible prisons of pain, torment and anguish. Some could hardly be reached let alone set free. Yet, I have seen with my own eyes, and documented on film, how tenderly she has been able to unlock the chains and the shackles of abuse in their lives using the keys she received personally from Her Lord and Master.”
“Some, who had been so severely abused, came to her propped up by nurses having been classified by the medical experts as incurable schizophrenics and without hope. Yet, one by one, we saw them delivered and set free.”
Fourth, we have rejoiced with those liberated as they have grown into effective
agents of healing themselves, for their own children, husbands, families and later for their circle of friends, neighbours and acquaintances. You will meet some of these dear hearts in this book.”“Now, as you read this story, and take it to heart, you too will become equipped to help the hurting all around you. They are everywhere! Do not be afraid. He is able to heal even our most “‘indelible stains’, completely! That is good news! Trust me I know! “ Dr Jay Rawlings, Jerusalem, Israel.”
“Faithfulness is to simply keep doing what ever I can do to honour my Lord and Saviour, Who sees me at all times.”
A MOVIE! CAN – Change Action Nepal – You Can Make A Difference! It took three years to make this film. Daniel, Josh, Chris, David, Jay and I all worked on C.A.N. or “Change Action Nepal” to help rescue young girls from the tragedy of being trafficked or sold into the sex industry from a few dollars to thousands of dollars. Thousands of young Nepali girls, some as young as 11 years old are sold annually from their villages into the worldwide sex trade. They are trafficked into a living hell. Poverty stricken Nepali parents, struggling to feed their children are exploited on all sides; friends, uncles, cousins, neighbours, middle men and pimps can all be involved in this human slavery. Desperate parents are often offered a small amount of money for their daughters. Mostly the girls are secreted away, kidnapped, trapped, brutalised and drugged. These youths are sold into brothels in India and on to cunning agents in the Middle East for $1000’s of dollars. This evil operation continues largely unhindered.
We. the Rawlings family have thrown our support behind ”Auntie Indira”, or “Indira Dedee.” She is the Nepali founder of CAN – Change Action Nepal and is rescuing these desperate girls one girl at a time. “Thank you, Indira Dedee, for making a way for me to escape.” Trafficked victim Photos upper left- David, Indira & Meridel. Chris filming in Monkey Temple in Kathmandu. Buddhist girl turning prayer wheels. Meridel & Indira Dedee in Temple
CAN – Change Action Nepal-Canada Foundation is being incorporated as a non-profit for Canadians to support this work and receive income tax deductible receipts. You can build a Safe Home for $5000 to shelter a “family pod” for these abused girls who are being rescued out of the sex industry. Help us to help them to, join a new family; learn a new trade and get an education. Your donation will help our Nepali team to enlarge their effective outreach. Thank you! You will be giving a gift of LIFE for countless precious young people.
A TV STUDIO! In Jerusalem. The new TV Studio is nearing completion. Our sons, are very excited about the possibilities this now gives us to ‘film unhindered’ in new unprecedented ways. My husband has lead our media team for 4 decades, creating 130 documentaries. Our faithful partners are making possible this transition from using our living room as a TV studio to a professional facility. No matter where you are, you with us in Israel. Together we are an amazing family of faith. Jay and I bless each and every one. Through your gifts we can keep reaching out. No offering is too small to be greatly appreciated. We are reaching into the hidden realms of darkness in the sex trafficking world. Through us you are also reaching into the printing industry to get this latest book published and through us fresh TV shows will be sent around the world from Jerusalem! Our love and prayers mixed
with faith will allow us the exposure needed to make it all work. Let us all go on by faith. We have entered the Jewish New Year of 5777 and the year of Jerusalem’s 50th birthday as a unified city in the hands of her people, Israel. It is a momentous time for many reasons!!
Blessings, Meridel, Jay, David, Chris, Josh & Daniel Rawlings
Choose your project: For income tax receipts: make check payable to Jerusalem Vistas. Personal gifts to Meridel Rawlings. Photo: Dan, Josh, Jay, Chris (in front) computer & film experts!
If you do it unto one of the least of these, you do it unto me. – The Messiah
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