Let us lift our hearts and hands to God in heaven;
Lammentaions 41:3a
Exploits for the Kingdom of God is what our lives are all about. I am thanking you ahead of time for standing with me in in Nepal this coming January 2016. Please take some Christmas money for a gift for our children in Nepal.
Nepal is waiting for us. I am in need of two airfares and our hotel and food costs. I will be working with children rescued from brothels. Our prayer is to complete the filming for the documentary project we are making to help children everywhere! Pray for Daniel, Maya and myself. Also in Kathmandu pray for Indira and her coworkers who care for the children.
New Delhi India will be on my route, and I will do TV work there in the field of sexual abuse. This is a new open door and may the LORD add His blessing.
Cost of airfare and accommodation, salary for Daniel and gift to Indira’s work: $10,000.00 Your gifts to this work are not income tax deductible.
Hearts are heavy world wide with the terrible reality of terrorism. Can you begin to imagine that it has always been a part of Israeli lives? The only way any of us will survive is through prayer and obedience to the Still Small Voice. Prayer is the answer. We have the keys of the Kingdom but do we use them?
By popular demand, I am republishing a powerful little booket I wrote ten years ago. “The Art of Healing”. I will send this edition to anyone who responds to this call. Our world is wounded, we hold the keys to the healing of the nations! Together we will bring hope and healing.
This is a MUST lesson on how to pray with understanding, power and authority. I explain very carefully how to work with the Keys of the Kingdom given by Jesus see Matthew 16: 16-19. These are “keys” to success. Every individual life I have worked with is changed. I have taught them to use the keys. Miracles of change is our call. Now is the time to stand up and be counted. Any personal checks are fine, even Canadian. You can send cash, but wrap it in tin foil. I look forward to your response. Hallelujah for your faithfulness to this work. When I receive your gift, I will respond.
Dr. Meridel Rawlings