August/September 2015
Shalom and very warm greetings,
Let’s begin with this verse, it can help us remember the privilege of “hearing” HIS Still Small Voice.
Personally I couldn’t live without that voice coupled with reading the Bible. This is the daily ‘routine’ Jay and I exercise. We read aloud, share and then comes the listening, hearing, perceiving and understanding.
“…out of heaven, He lets you hear His voice.” Deuteronomy 4:35 NKJ
The power of the Judaeo-Christian belief system founded on Scripture is the mightiest force for change on planet earth. Our work is to believe, live and act daily as though we believed! Faith without works is….
Corporately we are a blessed “Kingdom” of people who span this globe. We are humbled and grateful that the Lord moved us to go out and warn Canadians. Thank you again precious ones who opened your homes to us. Thank you for helping arrange speaking engagements and loaning us your vehicles. And for you who prayed, believed and supported our work and team here in Israel, THANKS!
Meridel, Daniel and I are just back home in Israel. Our 3 month Canadian tour was momentous in every way. The Lord sent us as “Watchmen” crying “what of the night”? In all we gave more some 65 lectures. So many people are unaware of the subtle changes sweeping over Canada, and the nations at this very moment. You might be interested to know that we have already been asked to return to Canada and the USA, next summer. It’s not too early to begin planning. We are considering, June, July and August, 2016. Any ideas?
I want to personally thank you for remembering Jerusalem Vistas/Israel Vision and Still Small Voice this summer. One goes and one stays, one sows and another reaps BUT our God gives the increase. Amen! Yes, I have a new website:
The Lord gave me this vision, near the beginning of our journey, while praying in a Chinese church in Toronto. It was unique because the church just a room in an office building, BUT it was filled with young believers. The ministry went via live feed into China, Taiwan and Hong King. I saw: ‘I saw a young maple tree, strong and straight, in full-leaf glistening in the sun. The scene changed: in the dimness of the thick forest, I sw a great Canadian Douglas fir tree that had lain on the ground for many years. Only 2 or 3 new saplings were growing out of the rotting trunk. I heard: Present yourselves and prepare to lead.”’ I found it shocking.
I understood, that the Lord is calling ‘whosoever will’ yes, even young immigrants who have come out of deep suffering from nations with Godless regiems.The question that came to my mind was; “Where is the old families of Canadian, the next generation?” They are asleep and do not realize that they could lose it all… Many are being slowly intoxicated with ‘easy’ and ‘soft’ life styles. We saw very little ‘contending’ for the faith! Perhaps many of our new immigrants have learned lessons of faith and survial yet to be learned by old Canadians? It costs to stand tall. Our Prime Minister is the only leader on earth standing with Israel! He is put down at every turn by Canadian media and many choose not to even hear the news!
Moses warned the Children of Israel: “…that you may fear the Lord your God, to keep all His statutes and His commandments which I command you, you and your son and your grandson, all the days of your life, and that your days may be prolonged.” Deuteronomy 6:2 (NKJV)
WOW…not one of us is exempt! Yet, in most of our meetings it was the older crowd who turned up, bless them. Where are the teens, 20s, 30s and 40 somethings? So many are addicted. Perhaps they have no time except to please themselves? Self and “selfies” are the new ‘cool’ these days. But I am writing to our faithful donors and must again thank you for being the exception to the rule. I couldn’t do my work without YOU!
NEPAL and the CHILDREN: I look forward to returning to Nepal this November. I will live and travel with ‘Indira,’ our adopted daughter, I hope to impart much hope and on going healing. She is a heroine for the work she does. I also want to work with 90 rescued children whom she has saved out of brothels. The half has not been told. I don’t know what to do about the unfinished film. The LORD does.
“Israel, ISIS, World Revival and You.” was the subject matter the Lord inspired Jay to deliver. It took many by surprise, no matter what church, fellowship, school or synagogue we were addressing. The hour is late.
Now we film this vital message so that way you can get your own DVD! Revival is promised for Jews, the nations they leave, and the Arabs. I found no one who was aware of this very important fact! When Jews leave a nation to return home to Israel, that nation is promised revival. See Ezekiel 36: 21 – 23, read it all. What fascinating truths, proved by modern history. Jay the boys and I have seen it over and over as we have lived among the Jewish Communities of the world encouraging them to make “Aliyah!” We work to have this TV program ready for the thousands of visitors coming to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles this year. We we see you there? Call us: in Israel: 054, 752, 4488. From Abroad: ++972 2 54 752 4488.
Email: and or
Biblical wisdom unites us with God and man: He is Wisdom, is the the source of all understanding. He is our guide throughout all of life. Our work is to put His principles of right living into practice. In our quest for wisdom, let’s make the Lord our beginning and our end, living everyday for Him!
Daniel and David have just filmed an Israeli ministry founded by a very special family. The patriarch is a Holocaust survivor, who has passed his Torah based teaching ministry down to his sons and grandsons. We love filming their teachings for internet and TV shows over several years now.
David’s new Eco-Fun business is opening and is our next film project. He has the Jerusalem franchise to sell electric bikes. I am glad. It’s a new beginning for David and his family. But I am very sad to report that he has had to lay aside the film work on Nepal, as there were not enough funds available to keep him working. He has to provide for his family. Believe me, we understand all about it. We just keep on.
Palestinians & Iran: Inspite of political tenseness here in Israel; its grand to be home and to sleep in our own beds! The Iocal scene is disturbing. Palestinians have met with the gov’t of Iran, and Abbas will visit in Nov. He wants Iran to join them in the UN Security Council to vote to remove nuclear weapons from Israel.
Books: I have spent my life working for healing and telling the stories of others. But, I will be 75 this November, and have determined by then to write my story. I feel it needs to be completed and published. Please pray for me in this endeavour. It is difficult, but I know it will help and encourage many globally.
Good news: Available on Amazon, now you can order the story of our beginnings and call.
Love My People, Time Secrets Volume 1 by Drs. Jay and Meridel Rawlings.
By way of encouragement to us all, I share this special quote just received from Canada.
“Canada loves you! Canada says a great big thank you! Canada blesses you!
We at House of Zion, Abbotsford BC, send a great big thank you. and we bless you.
Understand:we have picked up your clarion call to Canadians; ‘Stand up for life and liberty’.
We will fight until we see the victory on October 19th, next national election day in Canada.”
We must continue to stand for Israel. Canada must understand the times we live in and the dangers we face, and must elect the right government to lead the nation! May our paths keep crossing.” R. J.
May the Almighty Bless you and yours is our prayer.
Dear friends: we are trying to do the ‘impossible’ thanks for staying with us!
Love and blessings,
Meridel Rawlings