All posts tagged: the turtle dove

Eternal Spring Song

Inspiration fills the air, as one breathes in the delicate perfume of the almond blossoms, while on  a nature walk. Seeing winter give way to warm sunshine and new life everywhere is down right exhilerating. “Except a seed fall into the ground and die, it abides alone!” Truer words were never spoken. Spring is the glorious celebration of new life.Thankfully, bountiful winter rains have swept over our land, which we love to call Zion; cleansing it from months of dusty grit and grime blown in from the Sahara. The weary dry, sandy brown landscape has been painted over by the Artist who owns Eternity, including the seasons. Moment by moment before our very eyes, we witness and joy to the Life springing up out of what looked like the death of fruitfulness. This January on a bitter winter day, I found two sprouted almonds that had fallen from my indigenous tree. Joyfully, I planted each in its own pot. That was just two months ago and already they are 12 inch seedlings. Enclosed find photos of this inspirational and silent awakening going on all around …