All posts tagged: rememberance

Still Small Voice – Shevat 5, 5783 / January 27th 2023

Good Morning dear Friends: Today is International Holocaust Day. “For now have I chosen and hallowed this house, that my name may be there for ever; and my eyes and my heart shall be there perpetually.“ 2 Chronicles 7:16  I believe that for our own welfare and the welfare of our children, we must never forget the horrendous time of the Nazis. A terrible precedent of racism was set. The nation of Israel was literally birthed out of those ashes. Two out of every three European Jews perished. Many of us still living have vivid memories of WW2. But sadly, the younger generations are grossly ignorant. That is almost impossible to fathom, I know. It explains the growing curse of anti-Semitism today. I ask for your prayers for the nation of Israel and the Jewish people worldwide. Psalm 130 is recited by Jewish people publicly and privately in times of crisis and need. It is believed to have been the most recited Psalm by Jews in the Holocaust. I invite you to join us here …

Still Small Voice – May 1, 2022

Dear friends; “ … what we will be is not yet known. But we know that when He appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.” 1 John 3:2 Jay and I are of the WW2 generation. Jay remembers the windows of his home being blacked out in Victoria. He was terrified of the sound of air-raid sirens; because his mother held him close and cried in fear.  He does not remember the curfews. I remember sugar, coffee and meat were rationed. Jay’s Daddy Vic never came home. He died at 28, as a Canadian soldier liberating Deventer Holland from the Nazis. My Dad Don, was gone from 1941 to 1945, serving in the Air Force. I remember the anticipation of his coming standing on the station platform. The old steam engine pulled the train filled with soldiers to a screeching halt. The jubilation was wild.  Dad came walking toward us with gifts for us all. I especially remember the music of that era. Our home was filled with …