All posts tagged: Prayer call

Jay Rawlings Prayer Request

Dear Family and Friends; LORD… he whom You love is sick… John 11:3 Thank you for your prayers for Jay and for the whole family. He spent a week in the cardiac unit at Shar ha Tzedk and returned home feeling very low. He is home a week now and has under gone more blood tests an ECG and visits a Professor this afternoon. He still has trouble breathing and has to sleep sitting up. This is due to heart failure and the remains of fluid on his lungs and bronchitis. He is just finishing a regiment of antibiotics for this. We as a family have gathered around him and know that he has to make changes. He works too hard. It is hard for him to learn to rest. Its time to “ease up”. You can pray in this direction for him and also for David, Chris, Josh and Daniel to know how much to be involved today and tomorrow. Enclosed is a video that Daniel put together for you. I met Mr. Netanayhu at the International Christian Embassy last week. He chose this spot to give …