All posts tagged: Bibas

The Still Small Voice Shouts…

My friends who pray: “Why are the nations in an uproar [turmoil] against God,And why do the people devise a vain and hopeless plot?Why do the rulers take council together against the LORDand His Anointed, saying, ‘let us break apart their [divine bands] of [restraint] and cast away their cords [of control] from us.’” Psalm 2;1,2. I am compelled to send you the following heart felt cries, asking for your prayers on behalf of Israel, the Palestinians and all nations. We see cause for grave concern. Since Oct 7th 2023 we asked: “was the Knesset tainted with ineptitude and corruption leading us to this ghastly day?” At the same time, Biden in the US and all Western Nations continued to refuse to recognise who the enemy of all humanity is! Our world stands at a time of foreboding, a time of coming judgement! Depravity Walks the Nations:The death of Biblical humanity, of brotherhood, has reached a depth of depravity that no rational person thought possible in the massacres and hostage taking of Oct. 7/23. “STAND UP to …

Still Small Voice – Day 105

My dear Friends: “The most important aspect of faith is hearing the voice of God.” Mother Theresa One of the greatest things each of us possess is our testimony. In this week’s letter, you will meet many living witnesses of October 7th in Israel. They cannot cease from praying and believing for victory to emerge from this madness of Israel fighting Hamas. The agony of war has turned a switch inside of Israel, causing the people, as a whole to lay down their lives for one another in amazing ways. This unfolding truth was reinforced deep within when I came to this startling realization. This painful birthing process going on in the very heart of Israel is what I wept and agonized over from April to August just months before the war. I thought at the time, I was just heartbroken because of the fractured relationships on every level in the nation. No. Abba was preparing to birth a people for HIMSELF!  Warfare is being waged in prayer and a brutal gorilla war on the …