All posts tagged: 2024

Still Small Voice – Passover 2024

Shalom dear Friends: A Blessed Passover season to my readers who love this Eternal Feast. My letter is lengthy, I had no way to download the information in digital form. Maybe it is for the better, as you may want to return to this again and again. Please take your time, read a little at a time if it is too much, but it is vital! “God brought Israel out of Egypt. Israel has strength like the wild ox … He will devour his adversaries. Blessed of God is he who blesses you and  cursed of God is he who curses you.” Numbers 24:8a, 9b. Warfare: Moses initiated the first Passover. He prepared his people and they had to be obedient by faith, not fully aware of what was coming. Can you picture the fathers and sons painting the doorposts and lentils of their homes with the blood of the lamb they just sacrificed for their family? A tough scene for sure, some 4,000 years ago. It had to leave an indelible memory.  The Eternal …