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The New Face of Anti-Semitism on Campus

‘Crossing the Line 2’ is a new documentary that exposes the rise of anti-Semitic activity on North American university campuses. This virulent anti-Semitism is disguised as opposition to Israel’s policies, but it calls for Israel’s destruction and threatens Jews on campus.

Canada May Propose Defining Boycott of Israel a ‘Hate Crime’

Dear Friends: Thank you for remember Jay, Daniel and I as we continue on our intensive tour across Canada. We received this word: “You are digging river beds everywhere you go, you will experience much grave and mud, but keep digging, for I will send the river!” Canada is in greart conflict… see below and please pray. Every blessing: Meridel Rawlings Canada May Propose Defining Boycott of Israel a ‘Hate Crime’ May 11, 2015 The pro-Israel Canadian government may be planning to include boycotts of Israel as a hate crime, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) reported Monday. It said that such a move would target organizations such as the United Church of Canada, Canadian Quakers, campus protest groups and labor unions. It also would raise legal questions under Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Canadian Prime Stephen Harper is unarguably the most pro-Israel head of any government in the world. He sounded like an echo of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu during his visit to Israel last year. Recently-retired Foreign Minister John Baird in January signed an agreement with Israel to …

The Still Small Voice in Kathmandu

On April 25, 2015 @ 11:40 a.m. a killer 7.9 earthquake struck Nepal, half way between Kathmandu & Pokrah. Here are photos shot by Chris Rawlings of areas before they were destroyed. David filmed on human trafficking. Lt: Chris. Rt: David, Indira and I. 1 million people live in Kathmandu. The ‘Old Town’ of 11th century pagodas and temples were leveled. Narrow ancient streets, shops & homes were destroyed. Download the newsletter here.

Israel, beware of Obama’s Iran deal

Obama’s defense of his framework with Tehran is illogical, and American platitudes for Jerusalem may yet revert to accusations of warmongering. (article reposted from Haaretz by Ariel Ungar. Photo by AFP) It is obviously refreshing to hear solicitude for Israel oozing from U.S. President Barack Obama in his interview with New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, in contrast to his nastiness following Netanyahu‘s election win. Gone were the accusations that Israel spied on the negotiations with Iran and gave the information to the enemy – U.S. Congress. Gone, too, were the trumped-up charges of Israel stealing nuclear material. Obama even warned Iran not to mess with Israel, which would have been reassuring had Obama’s director of National IntelligenceJames Clapper not removed Iran and Hezbollah from the terror threat list after the latest assault on Israel’s Golan Heights by these reformed citizens and indirect beneficiaries of American intelligence.

The Season of Redemption

Dear Friends and Partners: With Passover falling this Friday evening April 3rd: it becomes a high holy day. It is also the 3rd blood moon to occur  this Hebrew year 5775 sequentially on a Biblical Feast. Enjoy the letter. We have amazingly good news. You can download the newsletter here. Hag Samach Pessach! A blessed Passover. Every blessing.