Dear Friends: Thank you for remember Jay, Daniel and I as we continue on our intensive tour across Canada. We received this word: “You are digging river beds everywhere you go, you will experience much grave and mud, but keep digging, for I will send the river!” Canada is in greart conflict… see below and please pray. Every blessing: Meridel Rawlings Canada May Propose Defining Boycott of Israel a ‘Hate Crime’ May 11, 2015 The pro-Israel Canadian government may be planning to include boycotts of Israel as a hate crime, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) reported Monday. It said that such a move would target organizations such as the United Church of Canada, Canadian Quakers, campus protest groups and labor unions. It also would raise legal questions under Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Canadian Prime Stephen Harper is unarguably the most pro-Israel head of any government in the world. He sounded like an echo of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu during his visit to Israel last year. Recently-retired Foreign Minister John Baird in January signed an agreement with Israel to …