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A Five Minute “History” of Christmas…
Still Small Voice – Summer 2018
Shalom Shalom! Everywhere you look, the news is terrible! But… don’t we live by another reality? How precious also are your thoughts unto me, O God; how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand. Psalm 139:17,18. Overcoming the ‘everyday’ is an art. I love to speak with pioneers. They come in all ages, and have the wisdom that only comes from ‘having done all to stand, stand therefore!’ That is wisdom in action. When a person loses heart, they lose everything. Join me now as together we take a moment to come aside from the rush and pressure. Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 All of Israel is humming with activity; like a beehive, the activity is well thought through and very productive. We hear a naval base is being built on the south coast for the US Navy. A high-speed train will soon connect Jerusalem to the airport in 20 minutes. Israel boasts …
Still Small Voice Calling… May 2018
Dearest Friends who care about us Rawlings! You can always meet me via email: or visit my website and subscribe to my letters at: Share them with your friends! Truthfully, most of all I enjoy your letters to Meridel Rawlings, Box 84156, Mevasseret Zion, 9079097 Israel. Mevasseret Zion is a beautiful suburb of Jerusalem, on the Hills of Benjamin. Let us know when and if you visit Israel. To begin, I want to share this quote that arrived in an envelope Jay picked up at our post box today. It means the world to me. “It is always with joy and a mixture of tears that come when reading your correspondence. The best way I can describe it is; the Presence of the LORD comes when reading the words on the page. So you see Meridel, it is truly a privilege to sow into the good soil of your work.” Mary ‘Joyce’ M. USA Your seed is welcome in any currency. The postal service works, send with prayer. I try to respond to …
God Lives Here! February 2018
Meridel Thanks you… Shalom Dear Friends: “Those who feared the LORD spoke to one another, and the LORD gave attention, and heard it and a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the LORD and those who esteem His Name.” Malachi 3:16 Photo: My Granddaughter Cecilia by the aloe plant holding oranges from the clementine tree we planted for her. Last week, we all had a most unusual experience. I had taken a break from office work and was in the garden pruning our aloe plant. The winter winds had ripped most of the flowers away. I was trimming the stalks. Our office manger came outside and said, “Meridel there is a lady at the gate, and she says she knows you but, that you do not know her.” I recognised the family name as one of the charities our production team had produced teaching material for in DVD form. The elegant lady that stood before me was dressed in a dusty rose blouse and skirt with matching stylish chiffon scarf draped around …
Christmas & New Year greetings from Meridel
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year dear friends! With joy, I write my last Still Small Voice letter for 2017. Above is a photo taken at the Mandala Center on the shores of Galilee. This location rests within the biblical fishing village of Mary of Magdalene. The painting above represents the time when Jesus stood still in the midst of a moving throng of humanity and demanded: “Who touched me?” Luke 8:44a. A woman with a flow of blood for 12 years, dared to reach out and touch the tallit on Jesus’ prayer shawl. No one noticed, but He did! She had to come forward in front of all to receive her healing. Let each one reading this letter do the same. Come, reach out, push through until you touch Him. You hold the keys to your life, for only you can allow Jesus to renovate your life. Take this step now. Jerusalem The unusual photo Rt. taken by my nephew Paul Chobaniuk from Vancouver, is of the S.W. corner of the Temple Mount. In this place the Almighty said 45 times …
Jay & Meridel’s commentary on Donald Trump’s declaration of Jerusalem Capital of Israel
Christmas greetings from Jerusalem
The 70th Anniversary of the Exodus 1947 ship
Remembrance of key events in the modern history of Israel is a powerful way to preserve their significance. The “Exodus 1947” ship arrived in Palestine in July 1947 with 4500 hopeful new immigrants only to be intercepted by the British Navy. Most were turned back to Germany. It was a tragic event that added strength to the longing for and creation of the new State of Israel on May 14th 1948. This event was remembered by the unveiling of a bronze memorial to the ‘Exodus 47″‘ immigrant ship in Haifa harbour 70 year later. This touching event was attended by survivors of the ship now in their late 70’s to early 90’s.
Jays Operation – Danke für deine Gebete!
«Ich lasse dich nicht los, es sei denn, du segnest mich… du hast mit Gott und mit Menschen gekämpft und hast überwältigt. Haltet fest am Gebet und wachet darin mit Danksagung… Bitte laden Sie hier das PDF herunter: Jay’s Chirurgie – Vielen Dank Newsletter