All posts filed under: News

Suddenly Jerusalem

In Jerusalem young people Jews and Arabs dance together in the heart of the city. We have threats, dangers, sorrow but double JOY! Adi Gordon Rawlings inspired and choreographed this music dance. Adi is David’d wife and mother of Amitai and Liyah Rawlings. She has inspired thousands of young people “to dance for JOY!” Watch the video here:

Israel Today: “Orthodox Rabbis Bring Jesus Home for Christmas”

More than 25 prominent rabbis from Israel and abroad recently issued a statement calling for a renewed look at Jesus, Christians and the New Testament faith. Quoting from their own sages, these outstanding  Orthodox rabbis are not ashamed to exalt the name of Jesus, welcoming the carpenter from Nazareth back into the Jewish fold. Read the whole article by David Lazarus at Israel Today.

Interesting read: How Russian Jews helped shape the life of Putin

“A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” (Proverbs 18:24) In the long history of Jews in Russia, the government has rarely been an ally, and often been the source of persecution. Current Russian president Vladimir Putin, however, is a powerful exception, with Jews playing a significant role in his personal history and his inner circle.  With the Russian army a major player in the potentially explosive multi-national puzzle unfolding in Syria, this personal element could become an important, perhaps decisive, factor in how the conflict unfolds. Read the whole article by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz on Breaking Israel News.

Hanukkah… a little history

We celebrate Hanukka in commemoration of the Macabee revolt against the hated Syrian overlords and recapture of the Temple Mount from Syrian Greeks in around 167 BCE. It is the only time in ancient history that the Greeks were defeated and this time by a handful of priests and farmers. The Greek leader Antiochus 1V Epiphanes built a ‘Akra’ (Citadel) which provided oversight onto the Temple Mount. His soldiers spied to spy and keep watch over our rebellious Maccabean ancestors. The Akra was a thorn in their flesh: it was a constant threat with the Syrian Greeks watching all they were doing on the Temple Mont. But where was the Akra, and how could it overlook the Temple Mount, which was higher than all the surrounding areas? In 141BCE Simon Maccabees captured the Syrian Aka and expelled its evil foreign soldiers. The early Jewish historian Josephus also mentions the event. He says that Simon took the Akra by siege, razing it to the ground that it might not serve his Simon’s foes, s a base …


“Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love.” Romans 12:10 We are half way through this year’s Hanukkah Feast. Darkness falls by 5 p.m. and the wind is cold. How comforting it is after a demanding day for Jay, our two sons Josh and Daniel and I warm ourselves around a little wood stove in the family room. Yes, someone died because of terror today. No, here is no good news of the TV channels. The world is frightened and Europe is becoming defensive in the face of so many immigrants. Terror stalks us all one way or another. Our hearts are heavy, very heavy.  We read this little piece and it touched us all. There ARE little things that each one of us can do, when the troubles seem so overwhelming.  “There is a story of an old man who carried a little can of oil with him everywhere he went, and if he passed through a door that squeaked,he poured a little oil on the hinges. If a gate was hard to …

Israeli boy describes the coming of Messiah

This video is not professional and Hebrew is spoken. Only the first portion has English subtitles, Nathan a 15 year old Israeli who had a near death experience in the Shara Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem. It was on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles in October 2015. Nathan comes from a secular background and knew nothing of the prophets scriptures written by his own prophets. Here are the main points: Natan felt extremely ill with chills and ‘coldness’ possessed his body. While in the hospital, he shook and was filled with pain. Suddenly he found himself hovering over his body 6 feet in the air. He kept rising and rising until he could see the whole earth and eventually was lead to a tunnel. He was drawn to a light that filled him with a sense of love and security. He can’t find words to properly explain how amazing it was. (His whole life was played before him, there were no secrets. He talks about the extreme importance of ‘acts of loving kindness’. Go …