All posts filed under: News

Yom ha Zikaron – Remembrance Day in Israel

Dear Friends who pray for Israel: “For just as the body is one and yet has many parts, and all the parts, though many, form one body, so it is with Messiah – Christ … But God combined the [whole] body giving greater honour to that part which lacks it so that there would be no division or discord in the body, but that the parts may have the same concern for one another. And if one member suffers, all the parts share in the suffering …” 1 Corinthians 12: 12, 24, 25, 26. Friends, remember Israel right now in prayer, wherever you are. At sunset last night, May 12th, sirens sounded throughout the entire nation of Israel. The Day of Remembrance is now. I wept and interceded as I watched this very moving photo tribute to the IDF. We Israelis, a family, a nation, are so closely knit together whether in the nation or outside. Israel remains inside of us all for better and for worse. When one falls we all die just a …

Still Small Voice – Israel Vision 2022

Shalom Valued and Precious Partners and Family Please view this latest Israel Vision Promo. We are asking you to share it with your friends and for them to do the same. We are one of the only Independent Media teams in Israel that is ready to cover key events at a moment’s notice in Jerusalem and around the nation. We are asking for monthly partners to forward our prophetic and very valuable media work that began 5 decades ago. We have recorded stories and events covering half of Israel’s modern history and helped many worthy causes to raise funds. Thank you for standing with us in this battle for truth from Zion. May God Bless you mightily is our prayer. Sincerely, Daniel and Shelly, Jay and Meridel. Israel Vision – Media Correspondents

Still Small Voice – February 14th, 2022

The Honkers are here! Can you hear the roar of their giant trucks around the world, including Jerusalem? Do the Truckers have a voice? They are calling for a return to LIFE, and their voices are being heard around the world. They are ushering in the spring thaw in the Spirit, so to speak. The deep significance of what is taking place before our eyes are first of all based on the spiritual principle of self-determination. A spring thaw begins when the ice of a fierce Canadian winter begins to melt. Well, I believe, it began in our capital Ottawa. Spring brings with it the hope of a ‘new life’. On February 14th, 2022, Israelis are scheduled to descend on our parliament the Knesset in Jerusalem with big trucks to HONK our protest over the continual “State of Emergency” we are forced to continue living in. We will be there with our cameras. For the past two years, our governments have told us who we are, what we can do, and where we are allowed …

Still Small Voice – February 13th

Hi folks, Here is an interesting article regarding the situation in Canada: Dr. David Martin Exposes Why Trudeau Won’t Back Down Please click the text above to view the full article, it’s an interesting read indeed. Canada’s Prime Minister speaks? But WHAT is he saying? We send you love from our home to you and yours. Jay and Meridel, sons and family.  Meridel Rawlings PhD. Box 84156                  Mevasseret Zion,9079097 IsraelOffice: + 972 2 533 0382

Still Small Voice – February 4th 2022

Shalom Friends: The LORD spoke to me yesterday: “All borders are under attack! “ “…to the Jew first” (Romans 1:19) Shares the truth of Israel. Watch Jerusalem first and then similar events will unfold in your area… We get to experience them first. 2,600 years ago the prophet Ezekiel, sitting in exile in Babylon saw Gog, a nation to the North attack “the people who are gathered from the nations … who live at the (centre) navel of the world. [Israel]” (Ezekiel 38:12). Some scholars say Gog is Russian, others Turkey. Interesting that Israel’s arch-enemy Hamas, becoming a buddy of Turkey and working out of Syria as well. The Prophet was describing Israel today. Israel is the navel of the earth. We stand front and center in world history today. The Abraham Accords is prospering. The United Emirates is under attack by Yemen. Why are Arabs killing the Arabs who stand with Israel in 2022? Saudi Arabia have turned against Hamas because Hamas supports Yemen and the Houthis? This week the Houthis fired missed not only …

Prophetic Word for Israel from Barry Wunsch

December 25, 2021, 4:44 am Early this morning Holy Spirit had me up, drawing close to me as He does. His presence was heavy, sobering, strong and full of His love and assurance for His Body. My sense is what is going to break in Israel is going to shake the Nations. It is going to be a catalyst to Global events and victory. Once again it is with fear and trembling and in obedience to the Father that I release this word today. Respectfully Submitted, Barry Wunsch “Israel, Israel, the Apple of My eye. Oh, how I long for you once again! Oh, Israel my Beloved, have you had enough of your oppressors? Oh, my precious Israel, you have been infiltrated by deep dark forces. And this deep state has overplayed their hand. The eyes of my people are being opened now. Israel the eyes of the Nations shall be upon you once again. I am putting you on display for the world to see. For I am about to move across this land …

Still Small Voice – January 2022

I begin with our thank you for your warm greeting cards and letters.  Let us continue to build the Kingdom of God together in 2022!   Be encouraged.  The # 20 means Redemption. The # 22 means The Light or Glory of the Almighty. So, let us expect change for the better. To Begin … It is Friday the 7th as I write. The wind is catching the noise of the muezzin’s fiery sermon being delivered in a mosque located just over the hill in a very hostile village. You can hear the hatred in their forceful proclamations. I am glad I don’t understand the hate-filled lies and threats. Father have mercy upon us all. Hatred is so crippling. Yes, we have very dear Palestinian friends who call us family. Last week we enjoyed a holiday meal within their village. Our friend Magid, Arabic for Miracle, proudly told of his daughters’ accomplishments. One studies law at the Hebrew University, another business and accounting and the third, is in medicine. They are proud prospering people who stand …

Still Small Voice. Kislev 5082. December 2021

“Come unto me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.”  Matthew 11; 28 Our beloved Jesus gave us these instructions and coming from the One who was perfectly obedient to His Father, I take them to heart! If ever we needed courage and grit to stand up it is today. The heart of darkness seeks to rule and reign but he loses. I want to thank all of you who have prayed for me recently. I am just out of the Share Tz’dkek hospital (Gates of Righteousness) here in Jerusalem and taking it easy at home. It was six days of intense examinations, including 3 MRI’s, spinal tap, nerve and muscle exams, countless blood tests, full-body scans. We have two weeks for all the results to come in. My only symptoms are double vision in my left eye, a very weak right hand and tiredness. On Christmas Eve our home is opened to Israeli friends who love to come over and sit with us by the fireside. It is always very special and …