- 2006… what a year of great challenge and change. We have walked the valleys and also climbed some glorious mountaintops. I am sure that you are also getting your footing for the challenges ahead.
Shalom dear friends:
Dec. 2006.
“Remove the turban and take off the crown; nothing shall remain the same.
Exalt the humble and humble the exalted. “ Ezekiel 21:26
2006… what a year of great challenge and change. We have walked the valleys and also climbed some glorious mountaintops. I am sure that you are also getting your footing for the challenges ahead.
The Lord spoke and said, “It is a time of changing seasons.”
My question was: “Lord, What season are we in now?” I understood the response…
“The world will never be the same again.” I believe we are all sensing this one-way or another.
Then the war broke out… As you know Lebanon is now fighting for its existence with 5 assassinations of anti-Syria Parliament members in Beirut in the last weeks. Our hearts broke this summer during the horrendous Lebanon War with Hizbullah. It was a very hot summer and discouraging with the battle on Israeli soil causing irreparable damage to families, the harvests and the land. War is hell for all peoples on both sides. In the South, trouble has exploded in Gaza after Hamas terrorists, (just boys) launched thousands of rockets that have landed in the southern Israeli city of Sederot. Remember in good faith, Israel pulled out of Gush Katif in August of 2005 naively hoping for “peace.” We are suffering, but the average Palestinian is locked into a vice of turmoil, deceit and foment that is completely self-destructive and disheartening. Our leaders tell us that a major war with Syria will break out in 2007.
We believe that change is in the wind, good change. I am reminded of the word of the Lord to me at the Jewish New Year this September that was particularly meaningful. Israel is a traumatized people in crisis… as are all nations today. “It is a NEW day.” I am convinced that this “raging of the nations” will continue until “I will shake all nations and then shall the Desire of ALL nations come!” Haggai 2:7
IN 2006 we interviewed some exceptional people for our weekly Israel Vision television programs reaching around the world weekly via satellite from Jerusalem. One of our guests was Rabbi Avraham Cooper Director of the Anti-Defamation League in Israel. He granted us TV rights to show Housewitz , a part of ADL’s award winning documentary, Ever Again. Housewitz is a shocking video created by a Dutch 23 yr old. See http://www.ejpress.org/article/news/western_europe/4798 A punk group visits the Nazi Concentration camp, Auschwitz, pushing anti-Semitism to a new twisted, shocking and distasteful level. Another guest, the Chancellor of the Ben Gurion University, Dr Rivka Carmi, has spent her life studying DNA! I found the 3 programs we made with her fascinating because of my type of work in trauma and abuse. She says “nature is stronger than nurture.” Studying ‘the family tree’ is one of the most vital portions of the seminars I give.
Recently, Jay and I met some of you on our German tour, which included Bavaria. While in a tiny mountain village, Immenstadt, the people would not let us leave until close to midnight. In the next village the Imam of Europe’s thirds largest mosque in all of Europe read the notice of our lecture and inquired of the Pastor, who we were and why we were speaking on Israel. That night a local teacher came to me at the close of the question and answer time and said: “What can I do? I teach so many Muslim teenagers who boast of bringing Jihad to Germany?” I suggested: “Young people everywhere are hungry to learn the meaning of life. Encourage them to ask all the questions they like. Challenge them! There will be some who will choose Life.”
We were also invited to Bulgaria, and Jay brought his lifetime of experience on Israel to a conference of leaders in Sofia. They were so interested in our story. His presentation, The Uniqueness of Israel will be sent all over the country in Bulgarian. A Pastor from the mountains brought his singing group who delighted the audience with gypsy flavored Hebrew songs! Their enthusiasm and perseverance in hard times were a great joy to us both. We look forward to returning and seeing more of this special country. The chairman of Sofia’s Jewish Community Emil Kalo said that his family left Israel 2,000 years ago for Greece where they lived for 200 years. As Greece became Christian their biblical names were appreciated and the Greeks called them ‘Kalo,’ which means “Good Name.” Emil’s family moved to Bulgaria 1,800 years ago. For a ‘gripping’ read, we recommend the unique story of the preservation of Bulgarian Jewry from the Nazis. “Out of Hitler’s Grasp” is a heart-stopper by Michael ben Zohar.
I was blessed to work in Switzerland and Finland this year and gave 4 “Choosing Life” Seminars in Helsinki, Josenu, Turku and Basel. Writing is an essential part of my call and I will be getting down to serious work in the near future. This year I was able to create a workbook for my clients who come to the seminars, now available in English, Finnish and German. I see the difference it makes. It was also my joy to speak for Aglow in Switzerland and speak about Israel in other places.
Pastor Dennis Okeah in Basel had a dream and consequently opened his facility for a 4-day seminar. It was a delightful experience in a black community and we laughed a lot. The highlight was to work with a 15-year-old orphan who had been terribly compromised. He responded deeply to healing love and asked me to be his Omah/Grandma. An inquiring French Muslim and many other nationalities came to drink the sweet living waters of Life. I took time for private counseling with leaders and lay folk alike. I marvel at the work the Lord has committed to me. The Bible asks: “Who can heal a broken spirit?” Our God can! I see so many pained and suffering ones unlocked to “Choose Life.”
On this last trip I was told: “Meridel because you were the first woman to ever stand up publicly and give personal testimony of your own sexual abuse, not just preach at us, we Swiss will always love you.” I remember giving seminars back in 1991 attended by psychologists and psychiatrists in Bern who wanted to hear about my life and read my book, “Honor Thy Father???” I was a curiosity!
I want now to gratefully acknowledge the company of great souls who have helped and continue to help me accomplish my work in their nations. Switzerland has responded more than any other nation. My translators of the Still Small Voice: Rita Zilly, (German) Marja-Lisa Soderqvist, (Finnish) Thomas Deschington, (Norwegian) and Lea Maria Haapalainen, (Finnish). The Choosing Life Workbook: Marja-Liisa Soderqvist (Finnish) and Barbara Enzler.(German 72 pgs). Those who arranged seminars in Switzerland: Magdalena Roth, Heidi Lowenthal, Michael Boheme, Hans Peter Volkt, Pastors Manfred & Ester Kron, Ernst Vogeli, Bruno Bayer, Roland & Evy Oetiker, and Peter Shields, then Rosemary Traumer, Kathy Tschudin and Adele Eze.
Australia: Josie Leslie, Deslee Campbell, Canada: Susan McLean, Scotland: Sheila Watt, England: Michael Young, Finland: Marja-Liisa Soderqvist, Eeva the dance and Eeva Thuren and New Zealand: Robin Twemlow.
And…without the many excellent translators for my lectures there would be no seminar, great people ALL!
You my faithful readership and supporters are a ray of sunshine to all of us Rawlings. Your interest and response help to keep the letters going out vial email and snail mail. This fall I purchased a new computer and now am working on publishing several of my works. You are a source of encouragement. Thank you for all who read my letters and tell your friends about them. We are very grateful for the Lord’s blessing.
I also acknowledge the medical and other health professionals who have advised and encouraged me to reach a thrilling level of physical restoration after having been so ill. I must give honor to whom honor is due so above all, I turn myself and bow to the Holy One of Israel who is my breath!
My husband encourages and edits my writings and all of my sons are quiet encouragers, solid and tender. They keep me ‘real’ with their insights, expertise and belief in my work. They have put me on the map so to speak, by creating and servicing my website: www.stillsmallvoice.tv To organize a Choosing Life Seminar in your area: go on line and find “Protocol for a Seminar.” They are helping us to build in the space under our garage for my office and studio for my TV shows.
My grandchildren are a huge inspiration with their frank inquiries and explorations of life. My daughters-in law- each a professional in her own right, are advisors, but even more they are my ‘kalot’ or brides as we call them in Hebrew! We have wonderful times together. Family times are what sweeten our lives here in Israel. We all get together around our big outdoor kitchen table in the garden. A neighbor dropped in unexpectedly and found us in the middle of a feast and exclaimed, “You are a “hamula”, a tribe, even though you are blondinis!” (blonds)
May you enter into a blessed Hanukah and Christmas Season.
Please take good care of yourselves.
“Surround yourselves by those who love you.”
“…that you may know the way which you must go, for you have NOT passed this way before.”
Joshua 3:4