July/August 2016
Dear Friends:
Every Friday night that we are home, at our Shabbat table; to honor me, Jay reads aloud the portion from Proverbs 31:10 – 31.
This week he began with verses 8 and 9: it feels like they were written just for me and my supportative friends of Still Small Voice.
Thank you so much.
“Open your mouth for the speechless,
In the cause of all who are apponted to die.
Open your mouth, judge righteously,
And plead the cause of the poor and needy.”
Proverbs 31: 8,9.
“You C.A.N. Make a Difference” our gripping film of child trafficking in Nepal was first shown publically in Canada a few days ago. Upon seeing it, a lively question and answer session broke out and I was asked to provide names. (Only first names in many cases) so that we all CAN pray the names of some souls speaking out in the film. We, the Rawlings Family ask for your response to help us and our Nepali co-workers counter this disease.
“Child sex trafficking in Nepal is a crime against humanity. There is a blockage of justice!” – Advocate Dinesh Tripathi, Supreme Court, Kathmandu Nepal.
“Some Nepali villages have no girls at all; 67% of minors 11 to 14 years are traffacked by their own families and countrymen. First, all are brutalized in Nepal and shipped to brothels in India or into the wealthy Muslim nations. Their young wills bend to the inhuman treatment of cuttings with razors (including the genitals), salt is put on the wounds. They can also be bitten all over their bodies to “break” them. AIDS is rampant.” – Jan Brown, Producer of “Sold” a Hollywod film expose’ on the book by the same title on child trafficking.
“Puberity is the age when youth are trafficked, physically and mentally brutalized, and kept under debt bondage. With no legal documentation, the flower of Nepal is sold. Sex tourism in Nepal, gives them jobs as waitresses and dancers in clubs known as ‘Cabin Restaurants’ (a cover for brothels) Each girl is given a number, and the client chooses a number representing one of the girls, which they have for their dessert after dinner. Yes it is gross. 45,000 to 50,000 young girls work in sex tourism in Nepal. Out of the 1,500 sex workers in the Tamil city- center of Kathmanu, 700 are known to be infected with the HIV virus. They earn $15.00 to $30.00 month.” – Michael Brown, Film Director of “Sold” on Sex Trafficking
“I was responsible to provide for my mother and siblings and I went to Kathmandu and got work in a Cabin Restaurant. The clients touched us everywhere, on our breasts and even our private parts. I was afraid to go to the bathroom. I am thankful to Indira Didi and CAN – Change Action Nepal for getting me out of it and helping me learn to be a tailor. – ID Concealed
“Since 2010, sex trafficking has increased 61% after the government passed the “Mobility Rights Law” permitting women to travel from their villages without parental consent. Many young people are illiterate, and traffickers have taken full advantage of this law for their own purposes. They send the desperate, voiceless, and helpless girls out of Nepal, trafficked as “sex slaves’” – 80% of the victims become schizophrenic. IF returned to Nepal, it is only at night when no one sees them. Suicide rates are high.The public is unaware of this huge daily exploitation.” – Aasha – Nepali Activist for Trafficked young women
“I was trafficked to a wealthy family in Saudi Arabia. They paid my trafficker US $2,000. – to $5,000 for a slave for life. I fought to get back.” – Durga Tamang – Trafficked Nepali girl
“Because our government has failed to regulate the system we see this modern day slavery. There must be zero tolerance. My work is to educate these girls. 80% of girls in school are safe. We build toilets for the girls in the schools.” – Former “Miss Nepal”
“In my village the girls were not allowed to go to school. One day I was kidnapped, drugged and transported for days, I cried and there was no one to help. I was sold to a brothel in India as a young girl. I resisted but was tortured. Eventually I was rescued as a minor by police. But Nepal refused to take us back. We had no papers, no I.D. they called us; “sullied AIDS garbage”. But later 15 other women and I founded an N.G.O. to help others. Then U.S. Sec of State Hillary Clinton acknowledged our work.” – Charimaya Tamang
HOW to PRAY for: C.A.N. or Change Action Nepal – “YOU C.A.N. Make a Difference”
We need to educate the grassroots people in Nepal first; inspire and empower them. We have favor in the nation. Please Listen and Inquire about a project you C.A.N. support.
C.A.N. was the name given to David Rawlings, during his extensive film work in Nepal, which took three years.
- Public awareness is vital. You can share this with all of your family and friends and ask them to spead the news.
- Time is of the essence to get this film out to the media anyway possible.
- Daily children are taken into this hell. We have been asked to premiere our film tothe government of Nepal this October in Kathmandu. We have favor that funds cannot buy. We need help to get our team back to Nepal for this event.
- We have a 10 minute promo for TV if you know any producers. Contact us!
- We have a 1 hour in depth film for our prayer warriors and supporters. Contact us!
- We have a 28:30 film for a half hour TV special. Contact us!
FUNDS NEEDED for Building SAFE Houses in Nepal:
“I have been in villages in Nepal where many daughters were sold by their fathers for a big screen TV. My heart burns with the need to supply safe houses for these children.” – Meridel
- For US$ 5,000. we can build a safe house built of mud and wood. We need to build at least 500 of them all over Nepal. You can give in amounts of $250, $500 or $1000 We hope to have 2 safe houses paid for by the end of summer.
- $100 a month will keep a girl in school.
- $50 a month will help feed a family in the slums.
We need to hear from you today. For Canadian Income Tax receipts earmark your donation to “Jerusalem Vistas” (for NEPAL)
1291 Arbutus Road, Parksville B.C. Canada V9P 2E5.
NOTE: Address after September 2016 is PO Box 40101, Mevasseret Zion, Israel, 9080500
Go to our website and donate with Pay Pal on line: www.israelvision.com
Stay with us, we will keep you up dated on the progress of this thrilling work!
“He who gives to the poor lends to the LORD and He will repay with good interest” – Proverbs 19:15
“Listen to the agony of Asia, I who am fed
Who never yet went hungry for want of bread. I see and try to pray.” – Dr. Tom Dooley