
Summertime 2007

  • They shall mount up with wings as eagles.
  • YOU… my friend.
  • Publishing.
  • Pedophile Ring Smashed.
  • Refugees from Darfur Sudan.
  • Needs.
  • Finnish Schedule August 3 – 13/07
  • Germany Schedule November 1 – 19/07

Shalom Dear Friends:
Let’s sit in the garden for a moment!Tea… I have Louisa, mint, peppermint or lemon grass, all grown in my garden… Gardens are given to us as a way of escape from all that rattles and annoys. Did you know that this coming Jewish New year (September) is a smitah year. That means the land must rest. 

Six years you shall sow your land and gather in its produce,
but the seventh year you shall let it rest and lie fallow, that the poor
of your people may eat: and what they leave, the beasts of the field may eat.

It goes on to say that the Sabbath rest is to include one’s creatures and servants. 

So… I am busy thinking about the work we need to be doing right now in order to get ready for this rest. We planted named and dedicated many of our trees to our parents, children and grandchildren. I see that “Amitai” a very productive olive is bending towards the sun and I ask myself “why”? Next to him stands “Sophia” a tall jacaranda in full dress of delicate blue blossoms. Each morning the lawn near by is covered with a blue carpet… and next to “Sophia” comes “Maya” a tall stately palm. I said to my friend Shlomi who knows trees, “Don’t you think I planted these trees too close together and now look, I think that they are bothering each other? Look at how Amitai is bending away from the others…” 

He chuckled, and assured me, “Meridel, all of the trees love each other!”It was so simple, so unexpected… and peacefully entreated. I caught my breath and smiled. My racing thoughts slowed, no need to dig, strain, replant… I guess relief showed on my face. I had never thought of “that”! We had a cup of tea together. Maybe just a little pruning is required! We can all rest next year. 

They shall mount up with wings as eagles.
We have just completed 39 years of marriage, and for 38 of those years our lives have been focused on Israel and her peoples. It has been absorbing and satisfying, but still… I have always believed that our greatest work was raising our sons, which we did all over the world. Yes, we made many mistakes along the way, but we serve a faithful Father whose love is perfect! We have reached that very special time in life when ‘mentoring takes precedent over leading’. The next generation is being set into their places of authority and responsibility. They will shine and bring glory to the Lord God of Israel, just as precious jewels hand chosen to be set into the coronation crown. Let us pause and give thanks… 

Now… is the time for our young eagles to fly
Spreading strong wings, catching invisible drafts
Carried by destiny’s eternal secrets of the sky
Completing inspired tasks while soaring high!

Our 3 eldest sons are leaders in various aspects of media and our 4th son Daniel has just been accepted to the International Film College of Denmark. Our 3rd son, Joshua and family are returning to live in Israel this year. Our 2nd son Chris has created my beautiful web site and sends this letter out for me. This Sept. he is launching a brand new concept in media here in Jerusalem. Our eldest David recently founded Israel Vision Productions in downtown Jerusalem. 

YOU… my friend:
I am sure those of my generation are experiencing many of the same challenges and blessings that we are experiencing. Time is always of the essence! And I don’t want to lose contact with my friends of Still Small Voice (male and female) are worthy of special mention and appreciation along with the brave heroes who work with me in my Choosing Life Seminars. The brave clients who choose to sit under my ministry have chosen life; even though the path to health is steep it is entirely possible. My Israeli friends, especially our Bible Club at the synagogue bring joy to us as we delve into the Biblical Hebrew of the psalms taught by Tehia Greenwald. The name ‘Tehia’ means resurrection and that is another story… Joy reverberates throughout my soul because it is a time of ‘awakening’. Yes! It IS a new day… the turtledove is heard in our land and abundant fruit is in evidence. We have everything to be thankful for including good health that was not always the case.[3] Our friend of 30 years Pam Singer has produced a sensitive DV entitled: “Grace, Grace” 3 years after the death of Burt who never met a stranger. It is exceptional and if you need a special sensitive and musical gift, you may order this DV.[4] 

By God’s grace and your help I have republished Honor Thy Father a true story of incest in a Pastor’s home. I have added 17 pages of updates. It was first released 25 years ago, and recently, after speaking with the experts here in Israel and having been given the latest statistics from Canada, I see that the incidents of child abuse have not increased. I find this hard to believe with kiddy porn on the internet and TV sex and morality at an all time low. It is presently being translated into Finnish, Hebrew and Russian. This book is timeless and if you would like to place a copy in your home or local library, school, office, synagogue or church I would be so grateful. It would help with the translation and publishing. You may order the English version on line through Pay-Pal: http://www.stillsmallvoice.tv/main.asp?ArticleID=74&language=0

You can also send in your order via regular mail.
Apology: It has been impossible to reach me on my web mail but that problem has been taken care of, so… I am looking forward to each and every message. You are also safe in making donations to my work on line.
You can now reach me at: meridel.rawlings@gmail.com

Pedophile Ring Smashed:
“700 pedophiles have been caught, in a sting operation covering 35 nations.In Great Britain 31 young children and babies were saved.” For details go to: skynews.com June 18th 2007. Our calling? It is to MAKE A DIFFERENCE! 

An eye… and a bridge…Canadian friends who were visiting spoke those two nouns out over my new office space!. Now all we have to do is “build in” this former balcony. In my joy I said to David (my first born): “Dave, this is my first office in 4 years!” 

As only he can do, he looked at me with level gaze and replied, “WHAT are you talking about, you have never had your own office!” Yes, for me it’s a big deal… knowing I have a designated place to work which is not the dining room table, not the kitchen, or TV nook, no longer is it the hall, or the guest bed room, but my very own office space! YES!!! May I be granted ‘the pen of a ready writer.’ 

The Jerusalem Summit:
My husband has written the script for the DVD of the tour we filmed for the Christian Embassy before the Summit. Our guests came from Canada, Finland, Israel, South America, and the USA. We trace their journey of discovery and meet leaders of women’s issues here in the land, and it is rich indeed. See order form. It was a privilege to be a keynote speaker at the Jerusalem Women’s Summit in May dealing with women’s issues on a national level. My presentation began with an ancient Hebrew prayer. Instantly a hush fell over the 500 leaders present. 

“Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu, Melek ha Olam,
shekheanu, v’ kimanu, v’ higgeeanu,l’azman ha zeh!
Blessed are You O Lord God, King of the Universe,
Who has brought us to this day!” 

I believe that the greatest tool that any of us have is our own personal testimony. The United Nations has labeled 2007 The Year of the Girl Child and in the Summit, I painted a word picture of what happens to a child who is sexually abused. Such a personal and delicate subject causes most people to shy away from even the mention of it! I asked: “Where can one go in the religious world to get help? Where can one go to safely talk about the unspeakable?” I challenged the women with these words: “Until we speak up, confront and demand change in our own homes, neighborhoods and places of worship and education, we are all passively allowing this pernicious disease to spread.” 

Scores of women came to me afterward. I had touched a deep chord in many lives. Many inquired after my work and invited me to come to their nations. If you were one of those and are reading this, I am looking forward to hearing from you.[5] 

The experience afforded me the opportunity of meeting many new friends inside of Israel and from around the world; among them, women in leadership, the Palestinian Authority, new immigrants from Russia and the USA, Sudanese Refugees, old friends from Canada and Grand Chief Linda Prince. 

For DVD’s of this Summit, see the enclosed is order form. English only.

No Man Cared for my soul:
Historical Fact: The Canadian government gave the Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches the right to seize the little ones of the First Nations Peoples without parental consent and place them in orphanages until they reached age 17. Because native peoples were not Canadian citizens, these organizations were not held responsible if the children could die, and those deaths never had to be officially reported. 

Linda Prince is a ‘First Nations’ person, who was a recent guest on our People Making A Difference television program to air this fall. She gave us a glimpse into her life. Linda was taken without parental consent, from her village at age 5. This not so subtle form of ‘ethnic cleansing’ only ended in Canada in 1985 Linda grew up without any culture. Her name was exchanged for # 63 and that is what she answered to. She was not allowed to see her brother and sister who were kept in the same orphanage, and she never heard her name nor her language for 12 years. At age 17 she was released to return to her village, which she had outgrown, and she became a misfit among her own native people. The Almighty had good plans and made himself known to this lost soul. Today she is a world spokeswoman on behalf of the First Nations People of North America. Linda is also a world authority on Protocol and Honor. I think we could all agree that our world, is sadly lacking in the qualities of “giving honor to whom honor is due.” 

See Pictures of our meeting… 

Refugees from Darfur Sudan:
“When you do something for the refugees of Darfur, THEN I will know you are doing something!” Those challenging words where spoken by Joshua, one of our sons! Well… a trickle of Sudanese refugees are finding they way in to Israel across the Egyptian border in ones and twos. The UN refugee services are doing nothing in Egypt to help. Refugees told of people being shot by the Egyptian military and left to die in no man’s land between Egypt and Israel. 

We interviewed Michael, who fled at age 10 when a Muslim militia gang attacked his family. Michael is a Christian, and God’s hand is definitely on his life. He worked as a janitor to put himself through school, and kept fleeing north through Sudan eventually arriving in Egypt. In 2005 he witnessed a massacre of his people during a peaceful demonstration in Cairo and, eventually escaped into Israel. He was imprisoned here for 5 months, but obtained security clearance and today is working in a hotel in Eilat. Michael is 24 years old, has no knowledge of his family’s whereabouts and keeps in close contact with the Red Cross. It is our heart’s desire to employ him, and teach him a profession in media. 

The World’s Refugees:
Today there are 14.2 million refugees in the world.
2.1 million from Afghanistan
2.2 million from Iraq
4.3 million Palestinians (The original number from Palestinians was equal to the Jewish refugees from the Arab lands. 600,000.) 

The Palestinians are in a completely unique position. The other refugees fled from their war town lands since 2003. The Palestinians fled in 1948 in obedience to their Arab leaders who called them out of Palestine so that 6 Arab armies could wipe Israel off of the face of the map. The Arabs lost the war and have never gotten over it. Please understand we are not against innocent Palestinians, but fight untruth. In fact this summer we look forward with joy to being with our friends in their village in the PA. 

Did you know the United Nations Policy concerning Palestinians? Any child or grandchild or great or great great grandchild of a Palestinian who fled is STILL LABELED A REFUGEE… even if they live in Dallas, London, Toronto or Amman. They are using this lie as a weapon to try and destroy Israel.[6] The UN granted them refugee status from generation to generation. Palestinians are the only refugees receiving this perpetual status anywhere in the world! Most refugees are settled within 2 years. The West keeps pouring money in, but do you see any difference? Has anything changed? Why don’t their own people stand up and take responsibility? Why is it not required of them? 600,000 Jewish refugees fled into Israel in 1948-1950 and all were absorbed by the tiny nation of 650,000 citizens. Remember Israel was just born, weak and poor and her soldiers were boys off of the immigrant ships out of post war Nazi Europe. The fact that we did survive and are still here is nothing short of miraculous. 

With the current crisis in Lebanon and Gaza and the Palestinian Authority the Western world is rushing to their aid. My question is where is the Arab world and all of their oil dollars? Why is there no help forthcoming from them? Oh… yes, I forgot, Saudi Arabia is supporting the blatant terrorist organization Hamas in Gaza! Remember Israel got out of Lebanon and Gaza because they wanted peace! We are blind along with the others. What a wake up call! 

Boycott Israel:
Yes, some British academics are boycotting Israel. It seems the Brits are blind to this Fact: 700 human rights activists were detained and tortured last year in Zimbabwe and nothing was done. Do we laugh or cry. The world is upside down. Speak up at: www.adl.org/boycott

Alas, our programs are no longer broadcast here in the Middle East, Having my neighbors both Arabs and Jews, tell me how much they enjoyed them, brought great joy to my life. But the truth is we cannot afford the airtime of US$600 a week to have ‘People Making a Difference’, ‘Fact or Fantasy You Decide’ and ‘Still Small Voice’ broadcast in The Middle East from Cyprus. For income tax receipt make donations to: Jerusalem Vistas. Please help us stay on the air! 

It is harvest time![7] For the summer and fall schedule see the insert sheet. 

Thought for the Day: What a Difference My Prayer Makes… do YOU believe that?

Meridel Rawlings Box 84156, Mevasseret Zion, 90805, Israel. 

Finnish Schedule August 3 – 13/07
The Aglow Women of Turku have invited Meridel to visit Finland this summer. She will give an in-depth seminar dealing with issues of brokenness, trauma and abuse. Meridel is giving evening meetings and teaching, How to Hear the Still Small Voice.
Contact: Eeva Karki email: eevakarki@kolumbus.fi

3.8-5.8 Savonlinna;
Kristillinen opisto Choosing Life Seminar. Everyone welcome.
Contact: Pirkko Muhonen: 0400-239542 or savonlinnan.tervehtyhtymisteskus@gmail.com
Program: satamanvalo.googlepages.com Starts Friday 16:30 finishes Sunday 15:30 

6.8 Joensuu; Aglow
Contact: Hanmari, Siltakatu 16, at 18:00 Topic: ‘Rejection and Forgiveness’ 

7.8-8.8 Jyväskylä;
Ilosanoma seurakunta, Sammonkatu 6, at 18:00
Two evenings how to ‘Choose Life” after abuse to heal. 

9.8 Tampere: 
River seurakunta, Tammelankatu 18, at 18:30
Israel Evening with Dr. Jay Rawlings 

10.8 Turku;
Aglow; Submarina, Linnakatu 32 at 18:00
Topic: “Hearing the Still Small Voice.” 

13.8 Helsinki; 
TV 7 Vilhonvuorenkatull D 50, at 18:30
Topic: “Hearing The Still Small Voice.” 

Germany: November 1 – 19/07 
Contact: Christa Weurslin chwuerslin@avteam.net if you would like either Dr. Rawlings to present a power point on Israel, or Meridel to give work shops on family healing issues. Call: 49 69 8300 4882 for details. 

[1] Exodus23: 10, 11 

[2] Meridel Rawlings 

[3] Meridel is referring to her healing from high blood pressure documented medically. 

[4] I will send your requests on to her. 

[5] Honor Thy Father is available on the web and can be purchased via pay-pal. I am of the firm belief that every home needs a copy and it should be laid out where all can see and read if they choose to do so. The price is US $ 20 or Euros 20 including postage and handling. 

[6] Joan Peters: From Time Immorial 

[7] See the April SSV letter for the vision I was given over Finland.