
Still Small Voice – Intrigue & Initiative

My Dear Friends:   

We are living in supernatural times, hearkening back to Biblical days. Strange and unusual things are happening. We expect the supernatural to continue to unfold throughout Israel and in our own lives. This is why, it is well worth our time and future to always “give a cup of cold water” to anyone in the Name of the LORD. Commune daily. Listen, Hear and Obey the Still Small Voice.

These are in the ‘Days of Repentance’ leading to the Jewish New Year, 5785. These number letters in Hebrew spell, “a year of grace and judgment.” Shillot prayers ask for forgiveness, first from the people who fill our lives and then from the LORD for our offences. Jesus rehearsed this principle. “Leave your gift there before the altar and go. First, be reconciled with your brother and then go and offer your gift.” Matthew 5:24 

LORD Jesus, encourage me to live in such a way today that my life will influence those I meet for tomorrow. Teach me how to pray. Let my prayers for Israel make all the difference. Help us to rejoice in hope and weep with Israel and rejoice with her. We do not despise her enemies, we pity and pray for the lost. “This will be written for the later LAST generation, and a people who have not yet been created will praise the LORD.”  Psalm 102:18 

Pray that the wrath of the LORD’s enemies will praise Him. Friends, I believe that all things point to the fact that you and I are the last generation. We have been called for such a time as this. Israel is the first of all nations, she is being prepared for rulership. Understanding this principle sheds some light on the most difficult path she must endure and triumph over. Likewise, we must also grit our teeth at times to endure, for neither shall we rule unless we pay the price of fighting for truth and love. This program of struggle, ‘endurance’ is set to shadow all nations.

“And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces …” Zechariah 12:3

Sept 19th 2024. Jerusalem News Service:

Only 14 countries, including the United States, joined Israel in opposing the resolution.

In a resolution yesterday, passed by a 124-14 margin, with 43 abstentions fronted by the Palestinians echoing the July advice of the International Court of Justice saying that the Israeli presence is illegal in the Old City of Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. It demands that the Israeli army and Jewish residents evacuate the pre-1949 line. The Palestinian-fronted resolution passed by wide margin, demands that the Israeli army and Jewish residents evacuate to pre-1949 line within a year.

Lebanon was the only Christian Nation in the Middle East

I visited Lebanon in the fall of 1965. Then it was known as the Paris of the Middle East. I was treated to a 70-course lunch, in a restaurant under a waterfall. Then I worked on a kibbutz in Galilee and visited Egypt. How the world has changed.

I am not sure if you remember but Lebanon was intended as a Christian country, a Christian haven among the Islamic nations that surround them, abutting the proposed Jewish State. Life in Lebanon was good until two things happened. In order to make the two states contiguous, the two borders were joined with a Moslem area in between, then, Yassir Arafat arrived on the scene and the Christian dream was lost. I still remember, visiting the border which was nothing more than a car park-type barrier and we all had photos taken with the open fields of Lebanon behind us. Lebanon is in chaos today. Everyone knows about the mysterious explosions on pagers and walkie-talkies experienced by Hezbollah. 

“And Jacob was left alone, and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of day.”
Genesis 32:24

You know how to pray.

Every blessing from Jay and Meridel Rawlings. 

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