My Dear Friends:
“I pray that the healing rains this week could wash away our spiritual and political predicament … to say nothing of the blood being spilt upon our land.” Meridel Rawlings
I have been weeping and praying as Jay and I have busily gone about Israel on business. Just seeing and sensing the stress here, breaks my heart. Israelis are being squeezed out of shape. Some say, a sledgehammer has come down not the Judge’s gavel! One dear friend of 45 years here said, “We have never seen it like this.”
It is written:
“For my people have been taken away for nothing,
and those who rule them, mock.
And all day long my name is constantly blasphemed.
How beautiful on the mountains
are the feet of those who bring good news …
But as the days of Noah were,
so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.
For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth,
And deep darkness the people;
But the LORD will arise over you,
And His glory will be seen upon you.”
Isaiah 52:5,6,7, Matthew 24:37. Isaiah 60:2
“My ears had heard of You, but now my eyes have seen You.”
Job 43:5
Where is this WW3? Israel in Civil War?
We are witnessing the worst escalation in violence on all sides in 30 years. Tens of thousands of Israelis continue to protest this government. What has touched my heart is the quiet, orderly and deeply emotional gatherings taking place. Rather than expressing anger and disorder, Israeli flags are waved, as the people pray, weep and sing, beseeching the God of Israel to hear their prayers.
Two-thirds of the people living within the parameters of Jerusalem are hungry!!! The rich are getting richer and the middle class poor, and the poor poorer!
Foreign hi-tech firms are pulling their bank accounts out of Israel. Tech workers are protesting against the government’s judicial reforms using the slogan, “No democracy, no hi-tech,” in Tel Aviv on Jan, 23rd 2023.
The Israeli War with the Palestinian Authority?
They lob rockets into Israel; Israel bombs their weapons factories in Gaza … Over the last week, Israel has taken out 31 Palestinian terrorists. In the first 3 days of this week, 95 terror attacks have been thwarted in Jerusalem alone. It is the worst escalation in 3 decades. The Abbas administration in the PA has removed their Security Services from working closely with Israel – the first time since the Oslo Accords. PA President Abbas is no longer in control. Hamas controls the PA.
Israel passed a law, stripping any Arab-Israeli citizen of their Israeli citizenship if found to be involved in terror activity. The PA rewards them financially every month, as heroes for killing Jews, as they do PA prisoners and widows.
Israel-USA War Games:
The most extensive air, land and sea military exercises occurred this week between the USA and Israel. In Israel-USA-Russia-Iran?
Out of the mouth of our P.M. Netanyahu:
“What we have with Russia is a complex relationship; because, a few miles from here on our northern border with Syria, Israeli aircraft and Russian aircraft are flying within spitting distance of each other. Russia is militarily in Syria. Iran is trying to implant itself in Syria right next to our northern border. We keep them in check,” CNN this week, January 28, 2023. (credit: JONATHAN SINDEL/FLASH90)
In The COVID – War?
Top Pfizer Official Drops ‘Vaccine’ Bombshell recorded on Hidden Camera:
If you have time:
In The War against our minds and souls?
Is it not true, that our mind is the most significant battlefield of all? We are being programmed to fear and worry for our lives and livelihood and feel ‘cut off’? This is madness.
At present Jay and I sense the Israel we were called to and have lived, worked and loved passionately is dying. However, after the winter storm, we wait to see a mighty move of God. Over my lifetime I have seen the supernatural at work on every level of life. You name it! Listen to this video telling of the greatest 3-year revival on Azuza street. I grew up with faith stories spoken by my believing Grandparents. Those days are coming again. I believe the LORD is preparing us to receive this coming visitation which will begin in Israel according to the Prophets, making us true warriors of the Living God! Our God is the God of Resurrection. Give a listen and LIVE! It is 23 minutes, skip the ads.
“My ears had heard of You, but now my eyes have seen You.”
Job 43:5
Have a blessed week of gratefulness and transforming prayer.
Love, from Meridel Rawlings.
May this song minister to your spirit as it has mine: