Dearest Friends who care about us Rawlings!
You can always meet me via email: or visit my website and subscribe to my letters at: Share them with your friends!
Truthfully, most of all I enjoy your letters to Meridel Rawlings, Box 84156, Mevasseret Zion, 9079097 Israel. Mevasseret Zion is a beautiful suburb of Jerusalem, on the Hills of Benjamin. Let us know when and if you visit Israel.
To begin, I want to share this quote that arrived in an envelope Jay picked up at our post box today. It means the world to me. “It is always with joy and a mixture of tears that come when reading your correspondence. The best way I can describe it is; the Presence of the LORD comes when reading the words on the page. So you see Meridel, it is truly a privilege to sow into the good soil of your work.” Mary ‘Joyce’ M. USA
Your seed is welcome in any currency. The postal service works, send with prayer.
I try to respond to every letter, each is a gift! We could not have accomplished so much, but for your prayers, trust and loving kindness… Let blessing flow; I believe to read in your next letter that your gift to me has been multiplied back to you many times. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you: And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed. Genesis 12:3 …Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him. For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the LORD, to do righteousness and justice… Genesis 18: 18, 19.
…but, glory, honour and peace to everyone who works what is good, to the Jew first and also to the Greek… Romans 2:10 Our Father includes each one who names His Name!
As a child of 4 years (photo left), I grew up in a family who took us with them to old fashioned camp meetings in Canada. We even had a family cabin, made of split spruce logs. It was a heavenly place to us children, because of the music, classes and fun. We felt secure and loved. The main tabernacle had a roof, but no side walls with sawdust sprinkled over the dirt floor? Well, what I will have never forgotten were the African American singers, who blessed us in the evening services… “dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones… now hear the word of the LORD.” How well I remember being thrilled to their sound of joyful harmony. I couldn’t keep my feet still, they lit a spark inside of me. Back then in Canada, blacks were made very welcome. In fact, I was so in love with what I experienced that my first doll baby was pitch black!
My Jewish Grandmother introduced me to the love of Jesus, my Messiah, when I was four years old. That was 72 years ago, and I have known that I was LOVED ever since. Because of the sexual abuse that ran through my father’s family, I had been severely damaged and needed rescuing. Abba Father created in me a clean heart, and renewed a right spirit within me. Psalm 51 God’s love brought me to life, and so my heart was very open for the anointed Word and music we received at the Old Red Deer Campground in Alberta Canada back in the mid-fourties.
If you have any questions about child sexual abuse, write me.
April found us in Canada, praying for sick family members, and then we flew on to Dallas Texas. We delight in meeting new people. Upon arrival at the Dallas airport we met a black pastor and his wife from Florida. To break any strangeness, Jay told them our story of adopting Michael and Dubohl our Sudanese sons, their wives and 8 children. He explained that in spite of many trials, because we refused to give up after 8 long and trouble filled years, they have now immigrated to Canada. “What’s wrong with us in America?” the Pastor queried. Seeing our white hair, his wife asked, “How long have you been married?”
“Fifty wonderful and eventful years!” Jay exclaimed. “I am blessing my wife by bringing her here to a TD Jakes Pastors and Leaders Conference!” We try to connect with those we meet in the most casual circumstances and give a good word of hope.
Jay, Daniel and I had our socks blessed off at the conference at the Potter’s House. What a privilege. I must say, “Once you have worshipped with black brothers and sisters, there is no other place to go except heaven!” Daniel summed it all up in one word: “Thrilling!” Jay loved the inspirational vocals and the intensity of worship. His headquarters, The Potters House in Dallas overflowed with the goodness of Father God. We were made so welcome, and every time a woman learned that we were from Jerusalem, she would respond with, “Please may I have a hug!” Yes, we chose to be on the Potter’s wheel, and Daniel wants us to take his brothers next year. What a profound blessing it was to us all. We returned to Israel renewed and encouraged! For Your mercy is is great above the heavens! The LORD is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works! Ps 108:5, 145:9 Go to YouTube and type in T. D. Jakes.
In the photo left, meet Holly a counsellor and Brian Bol her husband, a ‘Le Cordon Blue’ chef. We had the privilege of meeting Holly and her beautiful family in Dallas during our recent trip. She was found on the streets of India by one of Mother Theresa’s sisters; a tiny child afflicted with polio. She was taken to their Home for Lost and Abandoned Children; and because of her disability she was placed for adoption, and entrusted to the Bayer family and raised in New York. I worked as a young nurse in a similar home in Darjeeling N W Bengal India. We had so much to share with each other. Her booklet “Moyna” is available at
I am happy to announce that the Change Action Nepal work rescuing and caring for vulnerable women in Kathmandu (2013) is now registered in Canada, provincially and federally. Because the political situation is changing drastically in Canada, it is not possible to apply and receive ‘Income Deductible Status’ with out paying huge lawyer’s fees and very long waits. Daniel and I continue to look forward to our return to Nepal to strengthen our beloved Indira and her treasures! To help us go to: Thank you!
With this, I shall close for now. We bless you from Israel. What momentous days we are living in. So much is happening, it seems prophecy is now set to unfold over Israel and the nations in a Biblical, prophetic opening as never before. Stay in the place of prayer, never underestimate the value of your contributions in prayer, service and giving. Dare to believe the Still Small Voice. He know the plans that He has for you, ask Him, determine to be obedient in the smallest tasks. Lets not grow weary in well doing. We need to hang on; the Presence of His love IS the prize. In my May Still Small Voice I will tell of a dream and vision I had concerning the out pouring of God’s PRESENCE! He is searching the earth for those who are faithful toward Him, and those not asking for ‘stuff’. Hallelujah. What a Saviour. He is our goal and the prize!
Thank you for praying for the PEACE of Jerusalem. You will prosper, that is certain!
Every blessing to you and yours.