
Still Small Voice – Tishri 2nd 5785

Shannah Tova – A blessed New Year!

Jay joins me in sending you blessings from us in the name of Jesus! Join us in this time of repentance and new beginnings.

“Now at that time Michael the great prince who stands guard over the children of your people, will arise. And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time; but at that time your people, everyone who is found written in the “Book of Life” will be rescued.”Daniel 12:1

Iranian missiles rained down upon Israel as the New Year was being ushered in.  We were on the phone with our son David, during the barrage of over 185 ballistic missiles this week. It takes just 12 minutes for them to travel the 1,000 miles from Iran to Israel. We heard the incessant explosions. It is just unbelievable and we must not get used to this insane behavior. Iran’s second missile attack since April leaves them vulnerable now, to Israel’s retaliation.  A senior IDF person, Dr. Gold created ‘the iron dome’ system of defence. He said, “This latest attack and the protection granted to Israel is equal to the miracle of the splitting of the Red Sea.” The LORD God of Israel protects his own. Meanwhile, Israel has done what no other nation has. In one week they decapitated the head of the snake – Hezbulloh. The ground offensive into Lebanon is a gruelling undertaking to ensure a safe return to 100,000 Israelis back to their home in the Northern border areas.

“And after the earthquake a fire and after the fire a sound of a gentle stillness … ;  and behold a voice came to him and said, ‘What are you doing here Elijah?”  1 Kings 19:12

The Still Small Voice:

Have you wondered how one person seems to ‘wear’ the ‘will of the LORD’ more easily than another or even yourself? It’s a good question and worthy of an answer.

Perhaps the reason that we do not know or better understand Him is, we do not pay attention to His gentle checks, those delicate restraints and constraints. His is a Still Small Voice! This voice can hardly be heard, it must be felt. I liken it to the steady, gentle pressure upon one’s mind and heart, like a soft morning breeze. It is indeed a small voice, just the whisper of a thought at times, so easily missed. If it is heeded it grows noiselessly clearer to your inner ear. His voice is heard by the ear of love, waiting for His whispers. 

There can come a time when love ceases to speak, if not responded to or believed in. His is love, and if you would know Him, and His voice, give constant attention to His touches. He will keep you and I, only IF we hand over the control and give up ‘my’ rulership, listen and constantly obey. To obey often demands we take the lesser place, remain silent when we have answers, or know that we are ‘right’, or want ’to set the record straight’. It takes being led, by our Shepherd, who charters our course, knowing the end from the beginning.

Waiting on God is for the strong of heart, the patient, the hungry soul. “For you LORD alone have the words of eternal LIFE!” John 6:68

So, beloved, in closing; if you would know His voice, this new year, 5785, a year of judgment and blessing, never consider results or possible effects. OBEY even when He asks you to move in the dark. There will spring up in your heart a fellowship with your LORD, to hold you both together even in severest testings and under most terrible pressures. Guaranteed! That is my personal testimony.

We close in love, sending you heaven’s blessings which satisfy;

Jay and Meridel Rawlings.

The shofar is an instrument of war. We are at war friends, and we will win.

Here is Jay blowing the shofar on Rosh ha Shannah, the Day of Blowing!