
Still Small Voice. Day 327

My Dear Friends:

I love to hear from you, even if it is to tell me that your version of my SMV is messed up. To ensure your smooth opening, please go to my website:  Sign in the box provided with every letter, choose: English or German. Download the app to your computer then open automatically.

“See, I have appointed you this day over the nations and over the kingdoms, to uproot and break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.” Jeremiah 1:10b

Do not think that I have come to bring peace on the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword [or division between belief and unbelief].

Matthew 10:34.


Friends keep your prayers up. The major ongoing war remains in Gaza, to date, 17,000 terrorists have been eliminated. At present it is an ongoing underground gorilla war. Deadly and cruel!

Preemptive Attack:

At dawn yesterday, 15 minutes before one of our worst attacks, Israel preempted Hezbulloh, with 100 planes taking out 170 targets, and 6,000 launch pads destroyed. This action thwarted Hezbulloh’s plan to take out the main military intelligence base in central Israel. It was a brilliant tactical victory for Israel. Drawing the entire Middle East into this war has not happened. Below: UN-Half Truths:


“…others were tortured, and refused to be released … facing jeers and          flogging … chained, stoned, destitute, persecuted and Ill-treated. The world was (IS) not worthy of them. They wandered in caves and holes in the ground.” (tunnels) Hebrews 11:35b-38.

Monday, August 27th, Kaith Firhan Al Quadi, an Israeli Bedouin hostage, 52 years old was rescued out of a Hamas tunnel this morning. His 90 year old mother lives in the West Bank, his wife and 11 children are from Rahat. “Life from the dead” is how one of his brothers described the rescue. Firhan is a great source of information for Israel. He is presently undergoing debriefing and examinations in hospital. Hope has been released in Israel! The IDF Spokesman said: “He was delivered home to Israel today by a highly secret complex 

intelligence operation in Gaza. A ‘flower’ has been rescued from a tunnel on his 326th day of captivity. We are determined to see the remaining 108 hostages brought home.”

We still have up to 108 lost hostages in Gaza; aged 1 to 82 years. Those previously released were starving, having subsisted on a little rice and white bread. The women were gang raped, beaten and taunted. All suffered from muscle and joint pain due to lack of nutrition and being forced to stay in one position. All had up to 3 kinds of fevers, including tick and from dust. This week the bodies of 6 Israeli men were found in a tunnel, starved, beaten and riddled with bullets. They have been returned to families for descent burials.

Human Sacrifice:

One of the sad aspects of this war is that none, not one of the Moslem countries, indeed any country, despite their verbal or political sympathies, has taken in any refugees from Gaza, except for Canada, and the country is in an uproar over it.

Yahya Sinwar, Hamas leader, masterminded October 7th who surrounds himself with Israeli hostages demanded in the latest hostages-for-ceasefire-and-prisoners deala personal safety guarantee as a new condition. He demands his own personal safety, all the while sending thousands of civilian Gazans to their deaths. Egyptian source. Aug 21,2024 World Israel News

This terrorist mastermind current leader of Gaza, is now disguised as a woman hiding in plain sight. He no longer uses electronic devices, but depends upon couriers for information. Pray that he is brought to justice swiftly. i24News Aug. 27th 2024.

War Begins with Media:

The Emmy nominee this month for film in the News & Documentary category is a woman named ‘Bisan Atef Owda’. She claims “Israel occupies every corner of the world.” She documented the Palestinian activist’s experience during the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas. The film is nominated alongside its publisher AJ+, an offshoot of the Qatari-owned media conglomerate Al Jazeera, which broadcasts rabidly anti Israel propaganda across the globe. Of course they funded this film. 150 actors and Hollywood leaders are pressing the National Academy of Television Arts to pull this nomination because of the ‘documented ties’ of this woman with the PFLP terror group. (On the terror list of nations in the USA) The nomination may violate the Emmy Awards’ own code of conduct, which says the nominating organization has a “zero tolerance for discrimination, harassment or illegal, dishonest, unethical or otherwise harmful conduct,” 

 The Washington Free Beacon

We will Dance Again:

An Israeli documentarist has just released his film covering the aftermath of the Nova Dance festival on the Gaza Border, Oct 6th and 7th. 3,500 youths were present from all ethnic groups of Israeli society. He was on site two days after the disaster and interviews survivors and used footage from their phones. He also used Go-Pro shots taken by the terrorists themselves. (Blurred) Pray that it will SHOUT to the youth of the world, nation by nation to rethink their prejudices.

Crying for Forgiveness:

Major Gen. Aharon Haliva, served in the IDF for 38 years. He is the departing head of the Military Intelligence Directorate. “I take full responsibility for the intelligence failures that led to the October 7th Hamas invasion. I will carry it on my conscience until my last days.” He asked the public for forgiveness.

Israel’s Borders:

Please pray over ALL of Israel’s borders. Druze on the Northern border of the Golan where stuck a deadly blow recently and lost many youths when their soccer field was stuck by a missile from Hezbulloh. Katzrin, a large city in the Golan had 180 missiles lobbed at them this week. Tel Aviv and Nahariah on the sea are also targets of nonstop aggression. East on the border with Jordan, Hamas squads have infiltrated local Arab villages. Tons of arms’ are flooding in from Jordan. There are reports of Iranian militias concentrating on this border.


Drastic changes have swept over Canada. Since 2021,100 churches have been torched, several burned to the ground. The latest was in the little town of Grande-Anse, New Brunswick. Mainline media made NO mention of it. If this and the other churches had been mosques, Politicians and the media would be ringing the hate crimes alarm. But no one cares when it’s just Christian churches … And as Gerald Butts, Justin Trudeau’s best fiend and advisor said, “burning churches is understandable.”  David Menies. Tuesday Aug. 14th 24 Rebel News, Canada.

I am showing this clip on Canada, so that when victory comes to not only Israel, America and Canada; we who have prayed for those who persecute us will rejoice! “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has lost its taste (purpose) how can it be made salty? It is no longer good for anything, but to be thrown out and walked-on by people [when the walkways are wet and slippery}!  

Matthew 5:13-15

A Drink of Cold Water:

“The Lord Jesus spoke recently; “Will you still resist My love for you. There is no reason to try and hide from Me. Allow Me to remove every false belief system you have within you. Allow Me to renew your mind, soul and spirit with the truth of My love for you. By doing so, you will soar higher in faith than you ever saw possible.” 

Barry Wunsch, Red Deer Alberta Canada, Aug. 3rd, 2024.

Miracles Among the Nations:

“Kindly allow me to give you an inside look at what it means to be ‘called out’. We have written a pattern of the light and shade which accompanies the way of faith through our very human lives. What we experienced was remarkable! Why? Because it is the very hard and narrow places in which we find ourselves through being willing to trust our lives into God’s extraordinary responses all along the way. God’s calling does not lift us out of the the pathway of commonsense. Trials can perfect our faith. “  Meridel

Quotes: “I bought your book and gave it to several friends. One reported she enjoyed it and is now encouraged to believe God for her miracles. She was sad when the book ended. This beautiful friend is praying for her daughter to get out of a bad relationship.” P.S. Canada

“In Miracles Among the Nations, I read about your time in a local market where a deaf and dumb Filipino porter carrying sacks of charcoal was marvelously healed.  It’s so well-written and is it ever anointed!  THANK YOU. Yes sir, that book will sail to the top of the charts in Yeshua’s name!”  B. Krachmal, Jerusalem, USA.

Some folks are enjoying our latest book available on Amazon: Why not find out for  yourself? Our prayer is that it will leave you thirsty. 


Friends wrote:

Dear Meridel, thank you very, very much for all your prayers for me. Thank you so much for allowing us to be so deeply connected. You are a huge blessing for me. Thank God in the truest sense of the word”B.H. Europe

I always enjoy your messages and updates, they’re very informative and cover a lot on these last days. I’m 91 years and know ‘senior hood’ is all about bearing fruit for His Kingdom. May the Lord give you both health and strength to carry on the ministry He’s still giving you.” Reyn Rutledge USA

 “Out of our intimacy in Jesus, He will bring light into the deep places within us. Many of us have been hurt by others. He is not waiting for us with a belt, but with a ring and a robe.”  Barry Wunsch

Jay and Meridel Rawlings

Kindly note the changes in the Greek Account:

Pireaus Bank: Meridel Rawlings

Account No to Meridel:  Account: 5528111846351

IBAN: 700172580005528111846351

Add Prosperity Bank USA: now active in both our names.