To My Dear Friends:
Sadly, Israel says, 2024 is A Year of War.
But it is a blessed time in God’s time clock. The Still Small Voice whispered into my heart: 2024 is a year of OPEN DOORS! I thank my Heavenly Father for His Presence!
“Weeping may endure for a night, but JOY comes in the morning.” Ps. 30:5
I love to watch the sunrise every morning, as the black of night gives way to the light.
“All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you if you pay attention to the voice of the LORD your God.” Deuteronomy 28:2
“Israelis have been overwhelmed by the incredible people of every faith who have come to volunteer, console, support or just show up. It has been so heartwarming to receive friends from as far afield as Australia, New Zealand and the USA or as Turkey, the UK and Europe. This expression of love by people of all ages has had a profound effect on all of us, an effect that often counteracts the demonstrations of hate. Thank you.” Sheila Raviv
It’s lovely that the holidays bring us news from family and friends far and wide:
“Your Christmas Message with the Gethsemane picture contains such a deep exegesis. You ended with: “What shall I give HIM this holy season? Will it be my heart? [Micah 5:2]. This is a good motto for us in 2024!” W and I.
The USA:
“I sent the Man of the Year article about Israeli soldiers (see SMV Dec.31st 2023) to all of our pastors and much of my family. Of course, I have been praying and watching – limited media here in America – I know so much is incorrect. The testimonies of the hostages have been appearing. I am asking God: “Open the doors and give them eyes to see, open the eyes of the IDF to see what they are not seeing.” I am so happy you ‘came back’ (from death) and also for where God has placed you both. Lancaster Pa. Pastor Abby King.
What’s New in the USA?
“America’s ‘Gen Z’ does not like Israel! They do not know history. These numbers one day may put Israel in danger in the decade ahead. Israel is a country and culture of people who celebrate LIFE not DEATH. In this current battle, the truly oppressed ones are the Israeli people, surrounded by seas (nations) of hostility.” US Actor and comedian Bret Gilman
An article entitled, The Unholy Alliance between wokism and barbarism.
“Beware of a marriage between the religious and political spirit.”
Cindy Jacobs prophesied that a year ago at this time. This is exactly what our last elections brought when Likud and Shas, (two right-wing parties) came to power. Question: One of the first laws the new Knesset changed was to permit ministers with police records and past convictions to hold ministerial positions. Are Israelis paying a price for this today, now in the midst of this terrible urban guerrilla war? This week, the Israeli government sat with the heads of the military-IDF. The meeting ended when dissension by government members caused an impasse. Meanwhile, Israel is waging this war on 6 fronts with Iran, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, the Palestinian Authority and the Houthis. As you have read above, there is no peace in the heart of Jerusalem.
We have 200,000 homeless, in hotels with no possibility of returning to their bombed and shattered homes in both the South and North. At this point, the survivors are left to fall between the cracks. Every Israeli is stretched to the breaking point. There are 136 living hostages in Gaza, 23 have been murdered. Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome stalks every Israeli and Palestinian. The harsh realities of this awful war are everywhere. I see it as a perfect opportunity for the LORD to come on the scene. Pray for it. This 60 Minutes: interview with Yarden Roman-Gat:
My letter to the secretary of our Synagogue Bible Study Group:
“We watch the tragic consequences of neglect by those who should have been the first to
understand the power of this disease … of ‘unexplainable hatred’ which exploded during the First Intifada in the 1980’s. It is … exhausting. I cannot imagine what you are all experiencing and yes we have family in Israel. Everyone knows someone affected by Oct 7th with its deaths and hostages, along with men on the front lines
Our youngest son Daniel, now 37, father of two little boys, reminded us recently; “At the age of 12, I remember Dad and David editing footage of Palestinian summer camps for kids. (Palestinian Media Watch) I was as chilled by the hard facts, then, as I am now. Everyone swallowed the Peace lie around the ‘peaceful’ Oslo Accords, I, watched the newscasts on TV and cried when Israel armed the PA army.
For years, we documented the madness on many levels in the PA, starting with the Mufti. He clearly emphasised, “There is no historical proof that Jews ever lived here?” That is called willful blindness. Israel Vision’s programs went global. I wonder who took it seriously? We could sense what was coming. Where will it all end? How desperately sad for every Grandparent, parent, child and grandchild in Israel and the Jewish Community in the Diaspora.” Meridel Rawlings
A Mother’s Tribute to her Fallen Son:
Jesus taught “… What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight;
what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the housetops.
Do not be afraid of those who kill the body
but cannot kill the soul. Instead, be afraid of the
One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”
Matthew 10: 27,28
The WAR in Canada. Bill C-4: See the explanation of Bill C-4 in this video.
Sunday, January 14th is the Third Annual Sexuality Sunday. Action for Canada
Is your church too spiritual to address this topic? Beware! Christian counsellors could land in prison for up to 5 years. If caught teaching sexuality to your children in light of Biblical truth, in your home, you could also end up in prison. This is the law under the present Criminal Code of Canada.
My life’s work is in this field. I know: that sexual malpractice can destroy one’s soul.
Over decades I was taken into the broken lives of men, women, boys, girls, and the lgbtq community. I saw many leave their brokenness behind to enjoy lives renovated by the mercy of our Saviour. Very few Church doors were welcoming. Only brave individuals who knew the power of Redeeming love opened their homes, or rented halls and ballrooms where I could teach and work. My advice: “Bend low, the sword of the Lord is coming in judgment. Stop lying, be honest! To survive, honour God! Do you understand that mankind has now passed over a Divine timeline!”
Greetings from “Change Action Nepal”:
“We see epidemics, natural disasters, political instability, discrimination and violence against women. The economic crisis makes the situation for children worse. We hold firmly to the HOPE brought into this world by a child and woman. A child who taught us to pray in the secret place to our Father who is unseen, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on each as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10. Sent by our adopted daughter India Ghale.
I, am adding this verse to the above greeting from Nepal.
“Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother, “this child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken again, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed …” Luke 2:34.
The film we produced is on Israel Vision YouTube channel:
Books: Honor Thy Father??? and Stain Remover, by Dr. Meridel Rawlings. Amazon
Let us all continue in prayer:
I am asking you to PRAY for Israel in the command form. This harassed nation is being trapped inside and out. As you know, there is a great global offence against Israel. The word Jew and Israel, elicits global antisemitism and abuse.
Remember: Only those who love us truly define us.
Do you know what Gabriel is referring to in the writing of truth? Daniel 10:21
Check it out. This is how you pray for Israel.
Every blessing to you and your generations in 2024.
Meridel Rawlings.
Photo at top by Lorenzo Maimone on Unsplash