A blessed October to you:
The desperately dry hot days are over. Autumn is on its way. The sun is gentler, the evenings cooler and leaves letting go, slowly waft down to the earth. Fleecy white clouds bring not only the promise but the scent of coming rain. Meanwhile, most of September in Israel was spent celebrating, regardless of all the bad news. That is what I love about the Jewish nation. It doesn’t matter what the rest of the world does. We have a guidebook, the Bible, and when we follow it, we are blessed! I love that Psalm 23 says: “You set a table before me in the presence of my enemies …”. And when Abba sets a table for us it is nothing short of a FEAST!
Celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles in Israel is definitely an experience in ‘time out’. I highly recommend it for everyone regardless of age, race or religion. The Almighty calls us to ‘come away’ and play. First, one has to choose to lay aside all the cares of this life. We consciously make a supreme effort to appreciate our Maker of heaven and earth. The One who knows the longings of every human heart calls us to come away for a while. We spend time with Him, the family, and friends. I hope you could join in through the International Christian Embassy’s internet connections. Succot is a time when we invite “Ushpizin” special visitors. “When one eats and drinks, one must also feed the stranger, the orphan, the widow, and other unfortunate paupers. But one who locks the doors of his courtyard, and eats and drinks with his children and wife but does not feed the poor and the embittered soul—this is not the joy of a mitzvah, but the joy of his belly.” Mishneh Torah, Laws of the Festivals 6:18
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I must confess, the news everywhere is so grim that I keep a safe distance. That does not absolve me of the responsibility of prayer as led by the Holy Spirit. He is always ‘up on’ what needs my attention and time. How fortified we are because “…the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds.” 2 Corinthians 10:4
We are trusted by God’s Spirit to not only know about BUT receive and use these weapons in everyday life. These are weapons of war in the Spirit realm. They are divinely powerful and when used in obedience, faith, and God’s timing will bring down the destruction of sinister dark fortresses. This is spiritual warfare friends, not for the faint in heart.
I woke up today singing a chorus from that old hymn: God leads His dear children along. “… some through the water, some through the flood, some through the fire but all through the blood… “
I think we need to open our hearts to listen to accredited prophets. You can avail yourself of Elijahstreams.com and enjoy the anointed guests. I listen to Barry Wunsch of Red Deer Alberta Canada and Robin Bullock. What Barry sees for Canada is nothing short of mind-blowing… but I had an unbelievable 3-day visitation 46 years ago that showed it to me then. I wrote about it in one of my letters this year and a grand total of one soul responded.
The amazing truth about fellowship with the Still Small Voice, that blessed presence of the Holy Spirit in and through us brings LIFE! We listen to Him BUT He also listens to us. Take courage dear friends. Take courage!
“I love the LORD because He hears my voice and my supplications. Because He has inclined His ear to me, therefore I shall call upon Him as long as I live.” Psalm 116:1,2.
What are we doing with today’s History?
“Was the government to prescribe
to us our medicine and diet,
our bodies would be in such
keeping as our souls are now,”
Thomas Jefferson’s 1782 note of the State of Virginia.
For many of us, it is a time of reflection back to January 2020 when the world came under the throes of the Corona-19 “crown” epidemic. Have I changed all that much … family, friends, country? This is one crown I never want to wear. We just keep on keeping on; refusing the dark thoughts that swirl around us. Yes, our country has changed, or should I say, I am more aware of the control now than I was before. Israel is now demanding that we all take the ‘booster’ or else … We stay in faith and hope and have never stopped working or making plans. We used the ‘time out’ to come to grips with our lives in more realistic ways. It has drawn our immediate family closer. We are better listeners too I think, and certainly better worshippers. Prayer is a way of life. Fellowship with each other is vital.
Life is bleak for many in Australia and Canada. Very tough challenges affect many friends and loved ones. One friend wrote: “Hi Meridel, there are two doctors in our circle, threatened with job loss. Here we can’t go into gyms, rinks, the stadium, restaurants or bars. We can’t travel to any other province. Every law is being steamrolled. Will we also lose our right to buy and sell?”
The Victorious Abraham Accords
Victory is the sound coming out of the Arab Emirates over their choices to stand with Israel and share commerce, technology, and many other blessings. “Father Abraham has many sons”.
Hatred fuels the P.A.
At exactly the same time terror attacks from the P.A. are on the rise in Israel. We listen to Palestinian mothers acting genuinely joyous at the funerals of their children. Dead children who died committing acts of terror against Israel are presented as glorious “Martyrs” for the cause. Are these mothers just keeping up appearances? Palestinian Media Watch founded by Itamar Marcus has been exposing this sickness since the beginning of the PA terror campaign – the second Intifada – in October 2000. One of the ways the PA promotes this is by broadcasting the parents’ statements repeatedly in official PA media. The Mother of a dead 13-year-old called her son a martyr at his funeral: “Today is [my son] Omar’s wedding day. There are no tears and no sorrow. Omar is leaving, and we are all happy because he is happily and calmly going to the Gardens of Pleasure.” [Official PA TV News, Aug. 28, 2021] Note: The Koran teaches that those gardens have 72 dark-eyed maidens waiting along with banqueting tables of food.
The wheels of justice grind slowly.
Never a dull moment in Israel either. Malka Leifer, the former Australian Headmistress of a religious Jewish school in Melbourne Australia has finally come to justice. She managed to avoid the allegations of pedophilia and sexual abuse of some 70 girls in the school where she was headmistress. Her extradition back to Australia was hampered for 7 years by Yaakov Litzman a member of Likud. He is also being charged here in Israel with hampering Court proceedings. She is now in Australia and facing heinous charges.
Anti-Israel – the new Anti-Semitism
The “World Conference against Racism Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance”, was founded by the United Nations, after the Second World War and the Holocaust. Its mandate was to fund research on racism and to arrange international events organized through UNESCO to combat racist ideologies and behaviours.
Rabbi Jeremy Rosen
Israel celebrated its diplomatic achievements that brought about the withdrawal of 34 countries from a United Nations event marking the 20th anniversary of the infamous Durban Conference. The current “Durban Conference” is a hatefest of such proportions one could feel that one is watching the replay of the Wannsee Conference where Hitler outlined the Final Solution.
“This generator of anti-Semitism, anti-Judaism and anti-Israel is a disgrace. I have often expressed my belief that we are reliving those times in our world today and have to fight back. You may choose to read the Rabbi’s original words.” http://jeremyrosen.com/2021/09/durban-disgrace-4.html
An Overview on Stain Remover
This is for the faint of heart, when approaching the subject of sexual abuse in the home, I have added a short overview of my book sent to me by a caring soul Ruth Olsen. I encourage you to go ahead and read it. If you care for your family, community, church, school, college, workplace, local gym, bar, and library – your community library. I encourage you to purchase copies of Stain Remover and strategically place a copy in one or more of these places. You may not have personally been affected by this curse, but trust me and the statistics show that many living right around you have. This is a book of good news and needs to be shared.
“The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him. Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you, and therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you. For the LORD is a God of justice, how blessed are all those who long for Him.” Isaiah 30:18
I am always delighted to hear from YOU!
With blessings from our home to yours.
Meridel and Men
I close with a couple of songs:
“With a little Help from my Friends” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyRwhXAzaGY.
In closing, a great thank you to all of the Christian Friends who stand up for and pray and support Israel. George Soros has spent millions of his own fortune over the last several years. His target audience is Christians who love Israel. It is a huge ‘disinformation ploy’. The support of young people for Israel has fallen by almost a quarter. That is his payback. Let us pray that his evil scheme comes to naught. Let the true Christians wake up and discern the truth in this matter.
Finally, from my Israeli friend Sheila Raviv: “Here is a beautiful international rendition of “Amen” from the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem. To our dear friends Jay and Meridel and all the founders of that loved institution that has proven time and again, their total loyalty to Israel, thank you!
Photo at the top: Photo by Roxanne Desgagnés on Unsplash