- Why do we need to listen and obey the Still Small Voice?
Because God always has a better idea!
Dear and Precious Friends…
April 2007
Why do we need to listen and obey the Still Small Voice?
Because God always has a better idea!
“My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways,
and my thoughts than your thoughts”. Isaiah 55:8-11
Spring is attempting to break in upon us here in the Jerusalem area. The rains just keep coming and early in the morning clouds heavy with moisture lay themselves over the ancient hills. The unexpected rain is life giving. I am back into the pressures of life in Israel and while stuck in traffic the other day I found myself saying to Jay:
“God is the eternal optimist, He believes in us when we don’t even believe in ourselves!”
Family Time
Traveling is joyful when one is joined with loved ones, (in this case all of the 8 Rawlings men) who want to share their joys, challenges and victories. I see ‘Life’ as the ultimate ‘journey’ in partnership with the ‘Lover of our Soul’. I love to travel seeing with His eyes and hearing with His ears. While in Finland this March I saw wonderful sights such as, the faces of my children, grandchildren and newborn twins. I looked into the kind and questioning eyes of people in my meetings. I heard wonderful sounds. Noam our 8 yr old grandson sings with perfect pitch and I love the soft cadence of the Finnish language shared between he and his mother that ends a sentence in a whisper. But I must say that I was so grateful to have my Jay of 41 years to return home to.
My kids are up every night feeding the babies, but they count their blessings… and so do we; at 2 months the boys are so hungry and growing right under our eyes. The highlight for me was when I saw recognition in baby Liam’s eyes laughing back at my happy chuckle over him. Baby Jouni loves to just nestle down and sleep. I also became a ‘hockey grandma’ watching Noam play a wild game with his league.
No Kiss
Eeva and Sonja from TV7 arranged an evening for me in the Helsinki area. I was strengthened by the love of the saints. I had been asking the Lord to show me Finland’s place in His plans as a nation, perhaps because it was election time. My answer came in a most interesting vision. First I saw Finland as a poor little fatherless boy with out shoes, dressed in tattered clothes, malnourished with untended sores and left all alone in a field… low self-esteem plagued the little one… and then I saw God’s plans. I will send you the transcript if you are interested. I also taught on verse 45 of Luke 7. “You gave me no kiss.” Each one of us can give something to our Messiah first and then to others! I’ll tell you a wonderful story about this later!
Quote #1
“Thank you for your visit in Finland, we received a lot through you, may God our Father pay you the salary in many kinds of blessings – in family and in ministry!! I love you and hope to see you soon again.”
Yours sincerely Eeva Kambo TV7 Helsinki Finland
“Since last summer’s Choosing Life Seminar your work has brought far reaching results to my own life and the life of my family. It is my joy to oversee your August tour.” Eeva Karki Turku Finland
A Surprise Blessing
Shabbat dinner is a rare occasion in Finland and my children love to celebrate it. While polishing silver and helping to get ready, I decided to run down to the local corner store to pick up just a few little things to help make it an even more special occasion. I quickly strolled the isles picking out a cabbage, carrots and other items when a tall blond lady came up to me and gave me a very warm smile followed by a big hug… “Hi, I’m Tula, I met you at the meeting in this neighborhood!” Her unexpected warmth comforted and refreshed me. She approached me again at the check out counter and insisted that I place my items in her basket. She purchased them, packed them into a big bag, and placed a bouquet of freshly cut flowers on top. Placing her gift in my arms she looked into my eyes and blessed me with “Shabbat Shalom.” I was speechless and said a rather weak “thank you.” The truth is I was overcome with emotion. I turned quickly and stepped out into approaching evening. My heart was melted by this profound act of loving kindness and tears splashed down my face. “Jesus” I whispered to Him, “You just kissed me…” Thank you Tula. I carried her blessings to my children.
The Harvest
The Aglow ladies in Turku then invited me to come and teach a 4-hour seminar on ‘Insecurity’, ‘Fear’ and ‘Hopelessness’. In spite of these negative topics I believe most of us went home with lighter hearts having permitted the Holy Spirit to deal with the shadows in our lives. Again I experienced a vision, this time for the revival plans being unfurled in heaven for Finland. I saw Finland as harvest fields burned gold by the sun. I watched the wind of God’s Spirit move the standing grain like the swelling waves of a sea. Strong stocks bowed slightly with the weight of their golden heads stood waiting… for it is harvest time.
My Personal Response
As a result, I have committed myself to come to Finland August 1 – 15th for home meetings in the North, South, East and West, I plan to travel by train. I also asked a priest to open doors for me to works in prisons. The Aglow executive in Turku asked me to teach and minister on my favorite theme: “The Still Small Voice.” If you are interested in hosting an event, kindly contact Eeva Karki, her Email: eeva.karki@naantali.fi
When I write to you, I am quiet and listening. I simply share with you those things that come into my heart or mind. Our God does nothing in a corner… imagine how grateful I was to receive the following message, confirming the timely message of my letter “A Call to Prayer and Action.” I share the following quote from England with you, to encourage you in the art of “listening” to the “Still Small Voice.”
Quote #2
Carol Fowler wrote: “I have just been to a conference in Swanwick, Derby, with the World Prayer Centre. The call to pray for our Nation is escalating, and amazingly linking up with prayer initiatives worldwide. Imagine my joy when I read your March 07 letter heading… “ A Call To Prayer And Action.” You wrote many of the same words received here, and in other Nations… each for their land. Ours is called Trumpet Call… yet the hint was to listen for the “still, small voice”. England UK.
For prayer…
This May, we are celebrating Jerusalem’s 40th birthday as a united city. Remember the famous 6-Day War in 1967? The first worldwide Knesset Christian Allies Caucus Women’s Conference is taking place. On May 21st I will address our guests on the subject of “incest”. I hope to personally welcome many of you to Jerusalem.
While I was away Jay, my husband received my mail and was greatly encouraged by your warm and loving responses to us. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We have found that human nature rejects people who are ‘different.’ Unless the miracle called “friendship” touches one’s heart it is natural to shun the mentally, physically and sexually compromised. Friendship is God’s very special gift that begins invisibly and if encouraged will grow. We can be someone’s key to unlock the mysteries of healing from the inside out.